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expanse 6x01

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Any update on FMAB 46 full length? 👀

Varun Laks

I think the fanbase accidentally misleads people sometimes, when they say Nemesis Games (510) has a post-credit *scene*. It's not a scene, it's just a quick shot, which it sounds like you guys did see. So yeah, that was it. It's for sure a cool little moment/ tease, but it's not much more than that.


Ok that after credit scene isn't that important mini episodes are the real thing . It's more a tease especially when you have to wait for a year . Basically it's a shot of that alian ship in orbit of Laconia that you see on the end of season 5 and then again in first few min in season 6 . That in mind something similar is on the end of 6x06 ...I mean similar tease not a full scene .

T. Arnold Ferguson

Steven Strait (Holden) has said he intentionally lost a lot of weight for this season to help portray just how exhausted they (the Roci crew) had become from all the fighting.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

I don’t think you can call the Drummer/Naomi thing unrequited. We have no idea what happened during the months that Naomi was on The Behemoth. And the scenes between Drummer and Naomi in the last half of S3, not platonic, at all.

Varun Laks

I know its a fairly popular theory that something romantic could have happened between the two of them on the Behemoth, but personally I'm not sure if I agree. (*Slight Book Spoiler* - although I do believe something happened between Naomi and Sam in the equivalent period of time in the books). While I certainly think Drummer's crush on Naomi blossomed during that time, I just feel like Naomi's actions in the second half of S3 would be insanely cruel to Drummer if they actually were partners at some point. Like when Naomi sees Holden in the brig, the two of them don't even miss a beat right in front of Drummer lol. And Naomi never even really acknowledges Drummer in those scenes. It's possible that they broke up, but again neither really acts like that happened either. The voice messages in this short, seem to directly contradict that possibility too. Naomi would have to be really dim (or again cruel) to not understand what they would mean to an ex. I think their relationship is pretty much strictly Drummer having a crush on Naomi, and Naomi loving her in kind as well just not romantically.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Or it could have been a mostly sexual, but still caring, thing for Naomi, that meant entirely more to Drummer. We’ve seen how stoic Drummer is, if she developed feelings for Naomi during a FWB thing, there’s no way she would show that. Naomi is pretty effing clueless cuz even Holden seems to realise that Drummer is in love with her during the last few eps of S3 🤣

Varun Laks

One of my favorite things about this episode is how you can really feel the weight of Alex's death from the stress everyone is feeling on the ship. Obviously the War has drained all of them, but Alex used to be the happy go lucky guy that would come by with food and cheesy humor to get everyone to laugh and calm down. Without him, the remaining Roci-crew really struggle with creating an outlet for their stress. The writers had a really difficult job having to balance honoring the character without honoring the actor. I think this was one of the best ways they could have done that. Also I really liked your analysis of what Filip is going through. I feel like sometimes people seem to get a bit confused about what he's going through and sort of look past the internal conflict that someone raised in that type of environment would inevitably have. As you guys mentioned, I think it's clear that there's a bit of a battle going on in his psyche right now and its interesting to see that unfold moving forward. Also one thing that seems to be confusing you is that Drummer's family is not her entire crew. While there's six (now three) members of the family, Drummer always had other crew members around to run her three ships. We always saw them in the background. In the Season 5 finale, Oksana took one of the ships with her, so Drummer was left with only two ships (one of which was Ashford's ship). Drummer didn't save random people this episode, but rather moved her own crew from the second ship onto her ship. They were trying to use their second ship as bait to kill the Bounty Hunter, but because of Michio's mistake they had to blow up that second ship just to escape. So now they're left with just the one ship.


I was worried that S6 with only 6 episodes that it might be rushed and they won't be able to wrap up the story properly. But I think in the end the show wrapped everything up very well. So enjoy the ride girls!


Did you notice the strange dogs or the little girl on Laconia? Did you see the strange stick moons above Laconia?