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expanse 5x09

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look, i really like james, i do, but naomi and drummer would be just incredible as a couple, don't blame me for shipping 😂 no, but seriously, poor drummer is in a really tough situation "entre la espada y la pared" as we would say in spain. both options would make people who she cares about suffer.

Joe Tucker

Drummer is constantly making great decisions in hard situations that generally bite her in the ass. I love her and feel so bad for her. Oksana is deeply unlikeable but the urge to protect the people you care about at the cost of going along with something awful is eminently relatable, especially when it seems like that awful thing is so much bigger than you that it seems insurmountable. I think it’s much harder to make the choice to “do the right thing” and risk your lives and the lives of those that you love than it might seem from the comfort of a couch. I definitely hated Oksana on first viewing too but the reality is that everyone in Camina’s crew, and by extension, every Belter who got completely fucked by Marco’s attack, was placed between a rock and a hard place and it becomes very difficult to make choices that further endanger your life, especially when those choices clash with the reality that Earth has actively made Belter lives worse for generations.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Michio has always been best wife. Even before I saw next ep. Fuck Oksana. What she did this ep just felt like emotional blackmail. Questioning Camina about how much she loves them. Like obvs she does. Or she already would have put a bullet in Karal.


Oksana is Drummer’s partner name. Michio is the young woman in Drummer’s family. Karal is Marco’s family and watching Drummer group. Drummer is in a polyamorous family. Kind of like Holden’s family on earth.