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i just uploaded it so it's still processing, sorry this was late it was supposed to be up yesterday.. the full will be up soon


expanse 403

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Kevin Lyda

The books and the show are a little different. Show-Drummer isn't in the books for example. There are some other differences that are spoilery to get into. The characters you'll have in season 6 / book 6 will appear in the remaining books.


Not that this justifies anything, but since you asked, RCE has an actual charter from the UN that gives them the legal "right" to the planet for research purposes. This charter was granted when the planet was empty, but the Ganymede refugees were already at the ring gate and ran there and landed first, months before RCE. I doubt they intended to cause any conflicts, but they were desperate and just needed somewhere to go. Nobody's even supposed to be on a planet right now except scientists, because leaders like Chrisjen want to be very cautious and spend years doing research to avoid triggering any protomolecule incidents. This is the dispute that Holden's been sent there to settle (on top of the protomolecule investigation). On one side he has the people who got there first and established a small civilization, and on the other side there's the people representing the corporation that has a legal government contract to be there. Murtry thinks that he can do anything he wants and be justified legally because of that charter. He thinks he's defending the company's interests, and the company is the one with the legal right to the planet. The Ganymede refugees are just trespassers to him, and some of those trespassers are terrorists. The way he behaves is like a person who gets involved in a dispute (like a car accident or divorce or something) and won't apologize for anything because they don't want to lose legal ground if the apology gets seen as an admission of guilt. He acts like if he helps the refugees in any way, some court somewhere back in Sol System will say that that's admitting that the Belters have some right to be there. It's also worth noting that he wasn't supposed to be the leader. I think the guy he was talking to in episode 1 was the captain, but he got killed during the landing. Murtry's just head of security, so he thinks and acts like he's the next person with the authority to lead the RCE team in the captain's absense. Everyone else is too scared of the refugees (and maybe of him) to challenge him. He's going way overboard, but maybe the RCE employees are willing to settle for that when he's acting like he's doing this to protect them from the people who already tried to kill them.


Also agree, however when Naomi collapses and Murtry just turns his back and walks out, his true character and nature is revealed. He cares nothing for other human beings no matter where they are from. When someone collapses, you help. He didn't. Not one to follow no matter what.


Truth is, i always felt like the show didn't do a good enough job of explaining all this that jveezy, so methodically explained. I also felt like they took the easy route of making Murtry a clearly psychotic and evil dude right from the get go and the belters as the clear cut victims in all this (by leaving out some very important steps of the escalation of violence, that up to a point gives better justification to Murtry's decisions). This oversimplification i believe hurt the season a bit (as i believe is among the weakest of the show... still good, but compared to the other seasons, probably the weakest)