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fmab 25 full.mp4

This is "fmab 25 full.mp4" by lm on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



btw girls, i don't want to spoil when the intro changes but i'd suggest when it does you close your eyes for the first 10-15 seconds on the first couple episodes with the new one i don't know if people will agree with me but there's a spoiler in the intro, kind of a big one tbh and idk, it would be a pity if you got kind of spoiled by watching the intro and again, it's just on the beginning of the intro and i would be just for a couple of episodes


ok, just checked and in case you read the comment its actually in the first 25 seconds


I had to re-watch 3 times to get what you are talking about. I never notice that before. Why they put such a huge spoiler in the intro?


@BBT really? i noticed immediately and obviously knew what it meant :| yeah, i don't understand either


you mean you joined for the full? they're not missing, they probably forgot to tag some, if you scroll down (probably will take a while sadly) you'll find them all

Robert H.

I don't really see that as a spoiler. They know that there are still many characters to come. And a lot of characters they saw for the first time in the opening. Winry, Mei, Ling, Lan Fan, Wu, ... Partially even scenes were already hinted at, like King Bradley vs. Ling or the graveyard scene. Even in the current opening, there is still a huge spoiler in the middle. I don't think we need to protect them here. Otherwise, they'd have to cover their eyes every opening.


Robert, did you check the op at 0:20? It is very easy to miss, but if they notice I really think that is a big spoiler. They should skip the intro the first two episodes that it plays just in case they see that particular frame

Minseok Kim

well they are just two people


@Robert tbh i usually agree, but in this case, as i for one was spoiled by that particular image i recommended them that maybe they won't even notice, who knows, just thought it was something they may want to avoid


Yeah, I never noticed it to be honest, but now that you mention it, it's a big spoiler for sure. They should probably avoid watching the intro (or at least the first 30 seconds of it) for the first three episodes it shows up.

Robert H.

Yes, I have looked at it. I really don't see the problem here. If they have to cover their eyes there, they would have to from 0:58 too. In general, by that standard, we shouldn't have let them watch the first two openings either. As I said, several characters were already teased there. In the first one, there were Van Hohenheim, Winry, Pinako, the dog, Gluttony, Envy, Lust, Greed and Scar. In the second, it was Mei, Ling, Lan Fan, Wu, and several scenes, such as the graveyard scene, the fight between Lust and Mustang, the fight between Ling and Bradley, the fight between Ed and Scar, and the final scene of episode 26.


@Robert well, everyone is entitled their own opinion i guess. if they see the comment and decide to watch it i don't think there's a problem, if they don't see the comment they'll watch it anyway. and if they see it and decide that maybe they don't want to watch it is just for 2 episodes if i remember correctly. either way i don't really mind, just wanted to let them know.


I haven't seen all of FMAB - I'm on episode 34 and don't understand what you're talking about. I don't watch the intro super carefully though. So I would just watch it. It's fine.

Orr Malus

I highly recommend not listening to what others say about skipping anything. I think you should experience this just like how it was intended to be experienced. People who talk about "spoilers in the intro" only say that because it's their second watch. The elements which can be considered spoilers were placed there for people who decide to watch the series again and not for first time watchers. They're little easter eggs for people who are already familiar with the whole story.


i suggested it because i got spoiled by the intro on my first watch, and it's not like they would have to skip it for 6 episodes or more, it's just the firts couple i never skip the intros of animes because i love watching them even if they contain spoilers without context, in this case i just got completely spoiled


@Camzee well, it is easy to miss but i for one noticed and got spoiled, and LM actually have to edit the episode so i guessed they may get spoiled i'm happy to see that apparently i'm the only person that got spoiled by the intro then, if the girls watch it and don't get spoiled then i'm glad


Just the fact you left that comment now means they have to skip it. Just don't next time. I really don't like gatekeeping intros. A mild spoiler in hindsight is really not worth it. You've made the viewing experience worse just by mentioning it in the comment.


i don't think i have, but ok 👌🏼 noted, good night


yes and? @Minseok lmao

Nathan Elkin

saying it might be a spoiler gives them a reason to look for a spoiler. Just watch the show the way it was made to be watched

Derrick C. Shields

Okay listen, I honestly don't think it's that big a deal either, but let's not go overboard. It wouldn't take a weekend of overtime to sort this all out. It would take a half hour tops just for FMA. People are allowed to complain if the content they're *paying* for is annoying to locate.