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expanse 3x10

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Jan Fulton

Great reaction! Don't worry about watching other shows, just watch The Expanse :)

Ana (Lariaenl)

Wondeful reaction. Regarding the rest of the episodes, it's a continuous cliffanger from here to the end of the season. So wherever you cut, you will want more. Regarding the conversation Bobie overheard between Holden and Miller. it's a reference from the book. it goes like this: “Holden was starting to feel like they were all monkeys playing with a microwave. Push a button, a light comes on inside, so it’s a light. Push a different button and stick your hand inside, it burns you, so it’s a weapon. Learn to open and close the door, it’s a place to hide things. Never grasping what it actually did, and maybe not even having the framework necessary to figure it out. No monkey ever reheated a frozen burrito. So here the monkeys were, poking the shiny box and making guesses about what it did.”