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expanse 3x07

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Season 1 is still my favorite. The world building done in the first season is better any sci-fi show I've seen with very little reliance on exposition. I love the mystery aspects of S1 how it begins as a missing person investigation and the continual pulling of the string that leads to this first contact. Also the political intrigue of Chrisjen trying to discover what is really happening that no one knows about. It's also interesting to me that all our characters lose in that season. Julie is found by Josh but she's already dead. Everyone on Eros falls victim to the protomolecule. And Chrisjen is left without a way to expose Mao and Errinwright which leads directly to the escalation of hostilities between Earth and Mars.

Dieter Mai

If you are interested in Amos' backstory, i would recommend the book "The Churn". Its only 2h as an audio book and Its not really contain any spoiler for the show


Season 3 includes the best part of book 2 and the streamlined entirety of book 3, so it's kind of unfair to compare the other seasons to what is essentially a super-season. Out of 13 episodes, I'd say maybe 11 are absolutely incredible and the other 2 are great. Seasons 4 and 5 do take a bit more time to let things breathe and sink in, and season 6 is maybe a little too fast. So I can see why people like 3 the best. Regarding "this is not who we are" I think it's important to think back to episode 1x01 with Miller throwing a guy into an airlock. Miller was willing to compromise his morals and take bribes but drew the line when the guy's failures to maintain the air filtration resulted in children developing breathing problems. Space is an extremely unforgiving environment that is constantly trying to kill people, so a part of Belter identity is tied to surviving in that environment and not taking things like air, water, and other resources for granted. Earthers are born with that stuff. Belters have to work for it and be careful not to mess it up. So someone doing something so dangerous like piloting while intoxicated is not just dangerous. It practically spits in the face of what it means to be a space person. One last thing. I laughed when Milena said she thought Miller just said "Hi", because that's not that far off from how it happened in the books. His appearance is actually the very last thing in book 2, and he just shows up and tells Holden "We gotta talk". So NOW you've officially finished the book 2 story ... along with maybe 25% of book 3. They really did condense it a lot.

Kevin Lyda

Episode 6 and 7 for this season are great to watch reactions to. Episode 6 for all the pay offs and episode 7 for all the... wtf is happening now? I've seen a few reactors get really attached to Manéo Jung-Espinoza at the beginning of this episode.

T. Arnold Ferguson

Don't believe comments about other seasons being "bad" That's a minority opinion. In fact, while S# is one of the best seasons of any show ever on TV, I'm willing to bet that you two are going to love S5 even more. 😀


The disparity in quality in seasons is very small after season 1. While season 3 may be the "best" it's not at all by a large margin. There are still MANY moments in seasons 4-6 that are up there with the best moments from season 3. Season 3 is extremely plot-based because they basically had to squeeze 1.5 books into it while the other seasons get a chance to do a lot more character work. It's hard for me to choose between seasons 3 and 5 as my favorite, and I think season 4 is extremely underrated it's definitely my #3.

Aldo Cassola

The conversation about best season is so subjective with a show with the quality of the Expanse. Personally 3, 5 and 6 are up there for me (I'm an audiobook-listener--DO IT LOLA) just because of the story payoffs and improvements to the story they integrated. But then s4 turns out to be more important story-wise for the yet-unadapted novels. It is a beautifully adapted story, that works well in all the mediums they used. That's really one of the accomplishments here.


I just wanted to confirm that Yes, Chrisjen is now the Queen (well, the SG, but you know what I mean). Sorrento-Gillis stepped down and bad boy Errinwright was in jail, so she is next in line, politically speaking. LOVED your reaction at the end, you can now see other reactors reacting to Miller's appearance, some of them are epic!!

John West

i know its been said but, seasons 4, 5, & 6 are also good. It's just that season 3 was better than it had any right to be 😋

Mufid Lassissi

What’s happening with the full metal reactions ? They are slowing down? Is it ones a week now? You’re not even posting the full reaction or edited for some episodes? And there has been no announcement to let us know what’s up? Is it dropped?


Pretty sure it's just this week. Check out the description for The Expanse 3x06 Full Reaction. Some episodes are missing the fmab tag but I havn't noticed any edited or full reactions missing.


All full reactions are there. All edited reactions are there. Check their posts page, cause some videos don't have proper tags.


They just couldnt film and edit in time. Nothing is changing longterm


I literally can't decide what season i prefer. I have favorite episodes, or run of episodes but, a whole season? That's tough. For example Season 1 for me started kinda slow (i needed episode 4 to cement my adoration of the show) but ended really really strong. Ans season 2's final half, might contain the beginning of book 2, which again is a bit of a build up, but the first half is probably among my favorite run of episodes, ending with one of my favorite ever episodes of tv. Season 3 is also strong, but this half they're in now, although fast paced contains my least favorite (still really great compared to other books) book of Expanse, up till now. The rest of the seasons, also contain similar ups and "downs".

Podey Williams

Season 4 for me. That was the only season that came close to capturing what was in my head whilst reading.


Not everyone thinks season 3 is the best. My favorite season is 5. After that probably a tie between 4 and 6.