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the expanse 306

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TinCan Cosmanaut

Amos (Wes Chatham) has a podcast with the creator/book writer of the show. Called Ty and That Guy.


Random fun fact since you pointed out the lifelike way the hybrid was behaving: The motion capture for all the protomolecule hybrids was done by Elias Toufexis, the actor who played Kenzo. Also I just love the image of Jules-Pierre Mao being brought to his knees in front of Chrisjen while (another fun fact) she's wearing Julie's old racing suit from the Razorback. Last fun fact: One of you asked how Bobbie could even run in that suit. It's electrically powered, so all the joints can move easily in response to the user's movements. When the suit loses power, it becomes really hard to move. That's why (aside from also having just fallen off a building) Bobbie had to strain so hard to lift her arm to shoot the hybrid. But they showed us way back in 2x01 that she was strong enough to do that when she arm wrestled that robot arm and won.


I was screaming "I am that guy" at my screen watching this live. It was so god damn perfect. Literally my favorite moment of season 3.

T. Arnold Ferguson

When Amos took no joy in shooting Strickland. He just saw it as something that needed to be done. Actor Wes Chatham on the other hand,... Here's a brief (30 sec) video of Wes and other members of the cast and crew reacting to the scene when it was first broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7thXHaJh9g&list=WL&index=10&t=0s


It's the most predictable line in any TV show ever and it still lands so satisfyingly perfect.

Stuart Weiss

I think the Katoa hybrid was distracted by the hive mind's work on Venus. Yes, Book 3.


With your love of Amos the podcast is worth watching (about an hour an episode) but be careful of spoilers because they cover each episode of the entire series, Seasons 1-6, one episode at a time!! (so lots to see even after you are done!)


I waited to watch this because I have to spend the night at the ariport and you girls made one hour of the 9 I have to spend here way more entertaining. Now I'll wait for the FMAB reaction too. This episode was amazing. And I agree, Amos saying 'I am that guy' is an amazing and powerful scene.


Zurik 23M, the same YouTube creator who made the Vikings Ragnar: The Choice fan video among many others like it, made one for The Expanse’s Cotyar Ghazi called One Last Mission and it’s as good as you’d expect it to be ;) https://youtu.be/6ajO_Sf4gwE

Gilbert Serrano

Katoa had never seen a horizon and whatever remnant of him that was still there was distracted by it.