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so sorry for being so late with this one, i was really busy previous 3 days, couldn’t find time to edit


expanse 3x03

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Don't worry about delays, real life should always come first. I cannot wait for the book 2 ending episode great reaction

Spilled Wine

Regarding how much time has passed. General consensus from fans and online seems to be about 3 years, from the start of Season 1 til your current arc.

Gilbert Serrano

so, at 21.55 while it is a good thing that he has loyal officers but keep in mind a military that has officers loyal to commanders and other commanders loyal to factions within the central gov is a sure sign of a late phase decadent civilization.


"How is it possible for something to be this good and it can't just continue" -Milena Funny you should say that, but if I remember correctly, it was around this time that they announced that the show was going to be canceled, and a lot of fans were asking the exact same question. Obviously there were financial reasons, but it really felt like a show that was delivering amazing episodes week after week after week was going to get taken away. Also the Admiral Souther discussion was hilarious. Face-blindness is a real thing! You're not alone, Lola. And the fact that Souther calling Avasarala a piece of shit is what triggered your memory was icing on the cake.

Varun Laks

Wait three years between the first episode and this episode? I don't think that right. I've personally never seen that number bounced around by the fanbase either. The consensus I've generally heard is that LW and CW are about one year apart (there was a popular Timeline post on reddit that speculated about it). That has always sounded about right to me. And the show honestly gives off the impression that it may have been even less than that. Because the transition between the end of the LW material (S02E05) and the beginning of the CW material (S02E06) was very smooth. It very much seemed like the Roci crew went straight to Tycho after the events of 205. (In fact, Fred basically confirms this because he makes a big deal of the Roci cutting thrust for 5 hours). So that means most of the passages of time only occurred when the characters are physically traveling from place to place. And I don't think that comes anywhere near to three years. Maybe I'm missing something, but yeah I think a year, give or take, makes the most sense.

Spilled Wine

Yes, that is my mistake. It should be around 2 years, but typo. About four months for the events of Book 1. Book 2 starts not more than 1.5 years since the event of Book 1. There's no clear answer because the story is somewhat loose with time, but around 2 years (prolly a little less, like 1.5y+) is a decent rounding number.


There are more than a few lines that imply Amos used to be a sex worker (or was raised around them), hence how he knows how to walk in pumps.


I am glad, Lola, you actually paused to say "should I laugh at that?" because the implication of course is that Amos was a sex worker and we cannot help but think that wasn't exactly his choice.


Thanks. It didn't look right when I typed it. I probably should've just looked it up.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

“Permission to come aboard”. Lola - “you’re already here”. Lola is Drummer confirmed 🤣