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i’m editing the reaction now, it’s will probably be up tomorrow




It was so satisfying for Nacho to be able to talk down to the psycho cousins and hector. They rule by fear and he got to tell them the truth to their stupid faces. They could no longer control him, he was now fearless in the face of death. It’s hard to watch this episode and really care about Kim and what she’s up to. It’s like ‘okay Kim but I really don’t care about Howard right now I’m sorry’.


I've been busier than usual these last number of weeks so I haven't been able to engage with LM Reactions comments as much as I really want to. I have to pop my head in to applaud Michael Mando for his performance here. What's so great about BCS is it's often so reserved and mature in storytelling, and unwilling to do something dramatic simply for the sake of a cheap thrill, that when you have episodes like these they feel earned. We are all truly blessed to have recieved the greatest show of all time, twice, from the same storytelling team. Being alive is awesome.