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expanse 2x10

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Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Chrisjen just exists - Milena “FUCKING LOOK AT HER!!!!” I love it. It’s the perfect response. 🤣

Anthony Ubelhor

People immediately side with Belters against Inners because of the way Belters are treated. However, they fail to consider that the only pictures we get of Inners, especially Earthers, are of those in positions of power and prestige. But as you pointed out, most Earthers have it very rough, at least as bad as Belters in my opinion. Yes, Earthers have free air and water and the government provides them with Basic Assistance. What they don't have, however, is opportunity--no jobs, no income, and no chance to escape from their long and aimless lives. (Except perhaps through crime as alluded to in Amos's conversation with Prax.) In The Expanse, nobody is altogether good or altogether bad. They're all human beings, each possessing a complex range of human strengths and human weaknesses. A fun fact about Alex from the books. Alex comes from the Mariner Valley on Mars, an area originally settled by East Indians and Texans. That's why Alex looks Indian but speaks with a Texas accent and loves country music.