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death note 32

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Oh boy we haven't even gotten to the episode and it's begun :D All I will say is that I fully support you, L+M, on your reaction and analysis of Misa's character.


So I haven't really read many comments. But I think the people who are saying Misa is not sexualized are arguing that she is simply someone who likes to put on sexy clothing or rather she wants to put on sexy clothing to "please" Light. Which I think you can make that argument. On the other hand, you can also very easily argue that the author is making her "sexy" to please the fans. Because sometimes it's unnecessary for the story (when Light is not around for example) and it's just excessive. So to be honest I think it's easier to argue that the author is making Misa "sexualized" rather than that it's simply Misa's character / preference since it doesn't always make sense for her to be dressed like that. I can see both sides' arguments but definitely lean towards that Misa is being sexualized for the purpose of fans rather than it being a part of her character. Because it's not just how she dresses, it's also how the camera specifically focuses on certain parts of her body. So I think the argument for her being sexualized is just much easier to agree with.


I never understand why they turned of the wiretaps. They are already suspecting of Light, there is no argument about why they should do it. Am I stupid or something for not understanding this?


Just for the record, I believe most people here share your opinion about Misa. I remember when I first watched death note, I was a teenager and I didn't really have any problems with her character, but after I rewatched it years after that, I could clearly see the flaws in her character and how boring and one dimensional it became. As someone pointed out in the previous comment section, Death note is a classic when it comes to anime but id definetely is not perfect. Love you girls <3 keep doing your thing


Yeah it's basically only one guy that keep complaining about it in the comments. Everyone else agrees that Misa is sexualised and that her character is kinda wasted and could have done a lot more.


This is one of my favorite episodes, Mikami is in my top 5 characters honeslty


Agree to disagree, but Misa is not a useless character. a useless character is one who does not affect the plot at all...she did.

Zekrom XI

Misa is not a useless character. Misa literally came up with a plan to figure out Light’s identity all on her own, but yeah we’re just gonna pretend like that never happened and selectively focus on ONE-SINGLE aspect of her character (which is completely false btw). I’m not even gonna waste my time arguing with anybody here. There’s no point in talking to people who’re clearly filled with misandry.

Camelot B

Err... How exactly a never ending discussion about a female character being sexualized and bad written turned out to be ''misandry''? Like, men aren't even the topic

Zekrom XI

She literally affected the plot in more ways than one, but the moment they see a bikini is when they all forget anything that happened in the show and selectively focus on that like a bunch of misandrists. Lola was even trying so hard to say that Misa was being “sexually violated” in the torture scene, which is the most dumbest thing I have EVER heard. There was literally a good enough reason for her to be tied up like that!


Given the choice between like the shinigami world and hell wouldn't anybody pick the shinigami world? lol... idk what hell is like but the rumors are not good. So if you know you going there mines well write in the book.


misa was the blueprint for gothkasa


Please don’t generalize us guys with Zekrom he’s an idiot please don’t think all us guys are. I OFFICIALLY DENOUNCE HIM. Btw if you wanna see a funny anime that is super sexual without including sex in any way watch Food wars lmao. It sexualizes EVERYONE haha it’s honestly funny because it goes extremely far in a ridiculous way as an adult I just find it funny.


They should watch "Love is War". It's like the mind battles between L and Kira, but instead of been about life and death, it's about silly high school romance. But the characters take it serious as if it where life and death