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update: it only took 7 hours to process https://youtu.be/6FKtMqRjnOs

ive started lord of the rings fellowship and finished it and this video is still processing on yt, i googled it and it seems like other people are having issues so until yt fixes itself here's the dailymotion link, the password is dn30, ill update with a yt link when it finally processes


dn 30

Watch dn 30 - lmfullreactions on Dailymotion



Wait…Milena is finally watching Lord of the Rings??!! What finally made it happen?

food. just food

Fun fact, when the authors created Death Note, they never really thought too deeply about "justice and evil." They just wanted to write an entertaining story with an interesting character and the viewers themselves took away whatever moral views they wanted. I really agree that they basically killed off L, just to replace him with a copy and paste. I do think there is some slight difference between them tho. I thought that L as weird as it sounds was a lot more emotive than Near. Near feels a lot colder personality-wise and is more brazen about lying to Light's face.

Markub El Jaden

I'm not 100% sure, but I think I heard that the writer wanted Near (or another character) to be L's son, but he thought L wasn't old enough to be his dad nor could he picture L getting a woman pregnant.

Hannah N

Rewatching Death Note with you guys, I'm realizing most of what I thought I liked about Misa's character was never actually there. I guess I just filled in the blanks over the years and imagined her as a better written character than she actually was.

Hannah N

Tbh probably because as a kid I just thought her style was cool and hadn't seen enough well written female characters to realize she wasn't one


There is a point in having Near take over L. You will see the point by the end so I won't spoil what it is. Personally, I like it. I like the point the author made + I liked L dying midway. It's both unexpected and it serves that point the author's trying to make. L is a genius but he had his flaws. I think his death was handled well writing-wise.