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dailymotion: https://dai.ly/x87zrms password: e104


expanse 104 full.wmv



To help with your confusion about the escape scene: notice how right when the engines of the Donnager shut off Holden and Naomi got thrown into the air off the bridge. This is because if a ship isn't using its engines to accelerate there is no gravity. The moment the engines shut off it immediately switched to zero gravity and because Holden and Noami weren't attached to the ship their inertia threw them into the air (think slamming your breaks in the car with a bunch of unsecured groceries in the back) so, Holden attached himself to Naomi, used her to push himself back to the bridge, and then pulled her back with him since you can't move in zero gravity without something to pull or push you. This was insanely quick thinking by Holden. The "Slingshot Club" that Miller went to on Ceres to ask about Bizzi Betiko is where people go to bet on Slingshotters. Slingshotting is an illegal extreme sport where a pilot uses the gravity of a planet or moon to get a boost in velocity. It works by passing through the gravity well of an object while traveling fast enough not to get caught in its orbit. The planet or moon will "grab" the ship and "slingshot" it off in a different direction at an even faster speed than it was going. Slingshotters will try to do as many slingshots as they can around different astronomical bodies, getting faster and faster each time, to try and set record times across an established course. The real Bizzi Betiko was a Slingshotter and he died because he got too close to a planet and burned up in its atmosphere, which was the stream everyone was watching and betting on. Shed's death was shocking and definitely a little disappointing when I first saw it because I also loved his character, but don't worry the show doesn't suffer at all from him being gone!


"Remember the cunt" - Lola 2022


Just to clarify, the dead guy at the morgue isn't a clone, he just has a mod that changes his ID from time to time to not get identified by the police. Think a spy in current times who has multiple passports and IDs to move around the world without getting caught. Miller just happened to find the real Bizi Betiko (the slingshotter) and that clued him that the dead guy at the morgue had a fake ID

Peadar O'Ruadhán

The real Bizi, is a slingshotter. Basically extreme racers, flying small ships, using the gravity of the big planets and moons to 'slingshot' around the system. In Bizi's case, he got too close to Jupiter and burned up. Its the type of sport I could see Red Bull sponsoring if red bull is still around in the 23rd century lol