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did i cry for 20 minutes straight? maybe.. am i editing this now and still crying? definitely.. what a beautiful episode

here's the dailymotion link https://dai.ly/x87w2zi password: aot422

im editing this now so it should be up by later tonight unless something goes wrong like it usually does


aot 422 full.wmv



This one and sneak attack are something else, because those have everything you could ask for an aot episode, very well balanced.


I dont know if you two noticed but the titan at around 9:52 is supposed to be Saul Goodman as a titan. The author is a fan of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. The resemblance is more striking in the manga. I made a spoiler free comparison image, check it out: https://imgur.com/jPHwYEh


I dont want to hear anything from Gabi haters anymore. This episode is the author just saying to the Gabi haters that they are objectively wrong. Hell if Niccolo can look past his hatred then the gabi hate is incredibly unjustified.

Mati D.

Let's go gabi, tatakae!!!


Did you notice when we saw Annie’s dad at the start when they said “Mr Leonheart”? Just curious it seems like you didn’t.


That saul goodman looking titan was intentional, in the manga it was drawn even more accurately actually the anime didn’t do it justice


surprisingly they did, i didn’t think they made it look like him much in the anime but lola still picked it up


I can’t watch there are just too many ads.


sorry the videos aren't monetized i can't control the ads, try watching with an ad blocker


Them when reiner said jean and connie had falco: good, he's in good hands... 5 minutes later Connie: I'm going to feed him to my mother


Anyway, Annie nation where you at?! our girl is back!


I'm not sure, but it looks like the titan that almost killed Kaya is Nile


yes, in the manga you can see him more clearly, and the guy who almost ate the guy with the glasses is the man who always was besides nile

Jeffrey Navia

Is the titan that attacked Kaya really Niles? I didn’t even catch that


yes, easier to recognize him here https://cdn.readshingekinokyojin.com/file/mangap/5/10124000/19.jpg


Lola noticed. 'Doesn't that look exactly like Jimmy?"


this episode was sooooo good, even if it wasn't one of the O_O episodes like the last few it made me fucking tear up. finally some triumphant moments!!!! also, AOT reactions are cursed, expect it finish exporting tomorrow XD (fingers crossed it all goes smoothly today)


I'm always here for Lola tears :P Can't wait for the discussion. This episode felt like a throwback to simpler times in S1 killing titans. They even brought back Barricades the song from S2 when they are fighting titans. Feels like a classic episode of AoT after that amazing arc started with S419.

Mahni Alizadeh

Yeah this episode was more emotional than I expected. The studio did an incredible job lifting the manga chapter because I definitely didn’t feel the same feeling when reading it, except for the Gabi/kaya moment, and Pyxis

Dan Mena

A nostalgic episode


If only there was a bigger market for human tears, as the additional revenue you two could make from shows like this, Avatar and Breaking bad would be astronomical

Mati D.

So yeah, it's Bob (Jimmy), the author really like Breaking bad and BCS and made the cameo. Here is he in the manga (only that page, no spoilers): https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EzsnV3iWUAIFc1D.jpg

Hannah N

'he's in good hands' oh no


wait this isnt the first time i heard someone say that looked like saul from BCS LOL


not gonna lie, they can put barricades on any importamt scene but i will always remember barricades as historia and yimir's song but yeah, this episode was a tribute to earlier seasons

Mati D.

Because he is, https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EzsnV3iWUAIFc1D.jpg


I just knew Lola was gonna eat this episode up😂 I haven’t seen someone appreciate Gabi this much, but I’m all for the Gabi love


Armins first titan kill is Pyxis, i knew you would have a field day with this episode.


really love niccolos words to kaya and gabi especially how it pertains to connie just the scene prior. most people in this show are decent good people but we're all capable of making rash regretful decisions during moments of despair if we are not vigilant

Tom Waston

Armin has really been a useless character since season 4. He used to make quick decisions but now he only whines and cries. The world is about to crumples but he only cares about making peace with Reiner, Pieck, and Annie who was once responsible for destroying the wall killing hundreds of their friend.


Please manga readers, tell me Gabi's storyline will get less screen time from now on. I don't hate Gabi, I just don't find her character super compelling compared to everything else that's going on. The message behind her character arc is wonderful but almost all the characters in the AoT universe and I as a viewer already understand the moral ambiguity behind this conflict. The character dynamic between Reiner and Eren conveyed the same idea in a very impactful manner 17 episodes ago: "Reiner, we're the same". Whenever Eren and Zeke are on screen, the plot moves forward, by recontextualizing events and characters to a point where my understanding of this show changes drastically. When we switch to Gabi it feels like the plot is stagnating a bit and I'm looking at my watch thinking: "I know where this plot is going. Been there, done that. Let's move on to other characters please." Again, I certainly don't hate her with a burning passion. It's just that her arc isn't particularly captivating when the narrative theme behind it has already been explored with characters like Eren, Reiner, Berthold, Zeke, Armin, and so many more.


If she is still getting screen time, it means she will have a huge impact on the story later on. If not, then her character should've faded away like many others. That's how Isayama do it in AOT.


I don't know if this is a spoiler or not just giving a heads up if you want to erase this comment just do it no problem but I really don't believe the season is going to end all the story.. there is still to much story to tell do someone think the same ??


Some rumors surfaced a while ago that they will make a movie after this season ends and it will cover the rest of the story.


"did i cry for 20 minutes straight?" OK so Lola wrote this post.


At this point, it's far more interesting to ask the question: "Ok, so what didn't Lola cry over?"😂


gabi is my favourite


Reiner: "Falco is probably taken by Jean and Conny" Lola: "He's in good hands" Jean: "We'll feed Falco to Pyxis" Conny: "We'll feed him to my mom" Fuckin LOL

Fish Smell Bad

I sill can't believe so many people hate Gabi...

Deno Baanu

when is the review?

food. just food

now that I understand what "escaping the forest" meant when Sasha's dad and Niccolo said it, it actually made the show much more impactful, especially in comparison's to zeke original plan


The way you guys are actually going to die when 123, 127 and 138 get animated...praying for you two


Hi! Just wanted to share the official special music video for the ED if you haven't seen it yet (I hope you two can react to it sometime): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPl10ZrhCtk There aren't any spoilers because it's only made with existing animation from the show


09:53 Better Call Saul

Rushad Grant

I payed for the wrong plan?! Can I get a refund.


Same here, have no access to almost anything. But still got no response from the reactors in the private messages, unfortunately. Been more than a week.