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dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x87kxl2

password: dn26

the edited one is rendering, it will be done in a couple of hours


death note 26 full.wmv


Mati D.

Thanks! Hope you can react to L's funeral, its a deleted scene but it's on youtube.


Muchas gracias!!


To reiterate my comment on the last episode's post, I'd love to see the comments for the remaining 12 episodes avoid the endless, pointless debate about "whether or not the show dipped in quality". The decision to kill L in episode 25 was the writer's own, the remainder of the series should be regarded as part of the cohesive whole rather than it being viewed as "not like the *classic* Death Note run" etc., at least in so far as discussion goes. I'm not at all telling people what they should or shouldn't like, I'd just like the remaining episodes to be given the time and recognition they deserve. As such, I love the pieces that are falling into place as a result of Light getting everything he wanted, and I think having the first half of the episode as a recap framed from L's perspective works so well to add context both to Light's actions, and indeed the subsequent time jump. It's been so long since my initial viewing that I forgot just how many years passed after L's murder. Having the transmission to be sent to the orphanage in the case of 'x amount of time with no contact' is such an L move. Seeing one last defiant act against Kira from beyond the grave is such a perfect nod of acknowledgement to just how thorough L's line of thinking was.


Ah yes ep 26 the true ending of Death Note.


Common misconception, the funeral isn't actually a deleted scene! It's from the movie Death Note Relight 1, which was released after the anime finished and recaps the 1st arc of the story. Also, probably not the best idea to watch the scene just yet because it actually foreshadows how the series ends. It even straight up includes brief shots from the final episode.


It definitely wasn't their choice. They were pushed into continuing the manga by their publishers. Just watch their second work Bakuman. It's an manga about manga artists and one of the arc is how they are being forced to continue a manga even when they feel that they've reached a satisfactory end for their story. And that manga is clear parallel to Death Note. It's not even subtle.