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happy new year, the edited version will be up tomorrow i didn't have time to edit it today. i think it's appropriate we finish the year in tears. it's still processing cause but you can download it for now


lcdp 505 full.wmv



Reunited with family at so i'll probably watch it tomorrow. I wanted to wish you both a happy new year. You made an awful year more bearable and entertaining.

Anna Biryukova

Happy new year, girls! and yes, you made 2021 better for me too


Happy new year girls!

J. Valentine

Happy new year! You two are the best reactors (is that a word?) in youtube, along with Brandon likes movies and james vs cinema, purely because of your insights and analisis at the end of each video, funny reactions, and wholesome friendship between you two hahaha, truly Underrrated


Ok, just watched it and I don't think I've seen you cry like this since Nairobi or 3x18 of aot, maybe hill house. I agree with you two, they could have made of Tokio an amazing character but made her annoying at times and very hot-headed. Not my favourite character but definitely sad to see her go, specially since Úrsula is an amazing actress.


Happy near years. You made all my hard times better in 2021, cheers to 2022 and all the crying and laughter that is to come!

David Caine

Happy New Year everybody~~~!!!!