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you all know the drill people, it's not processed yet, it shouldn't take long but im posting it now so people can go to bed.. the full one will be up in a couple of hours


aot 407

________________________ patreon - https://www.patreon.com/LMreactions twitter - https://twitter.com/LMreaction tv time - lola - skysstillblue, milena - oneofthe100 blocked vikings reactions - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwR_b5ue-zgOa1oyX1V6ekRTcTg blocked game of thrones - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwR_b5ue-zgOQVc0eFVFSFdsdVE sense8 finale - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bZzI9ES22sjUfMhVt-nzrlwXP5Aaotsh?usp=sharing



Yay!! Are you liking the new animation style?

Dammy Oshikoya

YAAY, next episode........I can't wait to see it 😊

Mati D.

Lets go! One of the best episode of all Seasons, can't wait for full reaction.


It's processed!!! yay ^^


You girls are the best!!!!!


Have you healed from episode 8?


Ive been waiting for 2 hrs constnatly refreshing ur page thats how much i look forward to ur reacitons. I really love that u appreciaet the cahracters

john ross

@ LM I sent you guys a message.

Dan Mena

This is consider one of the best episodes ranked of all the time on series


How not to love our girls if they even worry about not ruining our sleep schedule ❤


Greeting! New member over here :) One of my favorite shows of all time, thanks for such an entertaining content!

Robert H.

Armin is the only character from the Paradis cast to make his entrance by sea, but he's not here to explore or anything, rather he's here to bring death and destruction. It's tragic for both Armin and his victims. Armin destroying the very thing that motivated him all this time: The Sea ⛵. Way to warp someone's childhood dream, Isayama. Also, the last scene was so sad. The entire battlefield was silent, save for the desperate screams of two children. Reiner kinda just half transformed, hence why he has almost no armor Showing. It's kind of symbolic: that Reiner's form is more human looking showing his humanity while Eren's form looks more monstrous since he's losing his humanity. Reiner had to gain his humanity to help protect his allies while Eren had to let go of his humanity to keep moving forward. MAPPA is humanizing the shit out of everyone. Last episode we got a scene with Willy's family. This episode we saw that the Panzer guys had squad photographs in their shells :( P.S. Props to Magath for acting as Gabi and Falco's dad this episode.


I’m so happy to see you react to all this in this way. Other reactors cheer and show little sympathy towards Marley. I know its a cartoon, but its still depressing to see people lack perspective.


fr Magrath is one of my favorite new characters introduced


this is where you realize that your children have become mass murderers :) AOT season 4 for you :)

killezio3 killezio3

This. And it all comes back to the Marley soldier’s speech who killed Grisha’s sister: people actually want to see violence. Something about being connected to ourselves in watching violence. And yeah a lot of reactors suddenly forgot what was important and just focused on the violence with excitement in these episodes


I love you guys because you feel for both sides. Also, Milena immediately thought that Armin will be broken because he had to kill so much people… and the way Gabi’s VA scream for Reiner’s help is top notch anime voice acting 😭😱 can’t wait for the next reaction !!!


Best show ever?


“Can we get a single episode where we dont cry? “ Isayama : We dont do that here.


Im very glad to see that the immediate reaction upon seeing Armin is one of horror.


Reiner's Titan was missing portions of it's armor because it was only a partial transformation. As we know, transforming takes drive and willpower (something that Reiner is unfortunately short on at the moment) but he managed to dig deep for the sake of the kids and in order to save Galliard. It's a neat visual metaphor for who Reiner is beneath the armor and how Reiner is regaining his humanity while Eren is depicted to be increasingly monstrous. Reiner ran when the Jaw Titan was eaten in the past but this time, he's chosen to fight and protect it and even more poetically, Porco Galliard just so happens to be the brother of the previous holder he abandoned


Just to let you know incase you wondered the reason Reiner's titan was messed up at the end and not fully transformed and missing armor is because his mental state he had no wish to fight and was not strong enough mentaly to make a full transformation. So there's a fun fact. ; )


Armin has now killed more civillians (Eldians) and military people then Eren has with one transformation. lol


You : "They can't keep doing this." Us: "Well... about that..."


I like your predictions very much. When I was watching the show, I was too dumb for these elaborate theories to come up with.


I have only one disagremment with you in the review Levi is not the most dangerous anymore Eren is because Eren is the one who knocks. ; )


I can't wait to see you're reactions to next episode and how you're gonna take it


You girls went through about 5 different emotions in 2 seconds when Armin showed 😭

Brandon Delacruz

Man isayama the author is soon good armins introduction isn't full of hope it's destruction the guy who saw the sea and was introduced in the ocean to blow up a lot people I just feel bad it's just tragedy


Sorry to break it to you but Falco would have gotten blown to pieces if Pieck had not released steam which made Jean miss. If not for that steam Jean would be responsible for Falcos death.


what a fucking good, shocking and heart-breaking episode. This reaction was gold. I really like the comparison Lola made of floch-erwin-levi and falco-reiner. Literally can't wait to the next episode, literally


Gaby and Falco always give me the chills with that screams. Voice actors totally gave they hearts in that scene


"They would all get along if they grew up together." Fuck, I never even thought of that. Way to twist the knife in further.


“No one in this show has much of a choice” And this right here is the theme of the show. War takes away agency, war intrumentalises human life and dignity. The way in which it creates a cycle of violence and locks people into it, that’s why Eren’s desire for freedom is so heavily highlighted in season 1 and referenced again through Falco. I dont think it’s a coincidence that Eren and Falco became “friends”. The best bit here is how this is one of the finest examples of subverting the war glorification trope that Lord of the Rings made popular. The music, the theme and all the emotions from each character.


I don't think the colossal titans in the walls are smart titans. In terms of 'smart titans' they are the ones that branched out from the founder Ymir which consists of 9 in total (this is just what I assume)


The colossal titans inside the walls are dumb titans. They’re just called that because they’re big, armin has the only power that can be passed down that’s colossal. The hardening which formed the walls did not come from the colossal titans themselves but rather the king. He used the titans as a base or frame work for wall as well as to conceal them and using the founders power created the walls around them. A thing to note, to know they are pure titans is in season 2 they needed to cover the hole where the titans face was showing in order to block the sun so it wouldn’t become active. I hope this answers your question, also armin’s colossal is taller than all the others in the walls which partially is a factor that makes it more unique as a power


Yup totally happy that people's inability to contain their hatred for a child and *wink wink nudge nudge* at how they feel about her has lowkey spoiled the events of the next episode (LM said they've watched 4x08). Like come on you know the girls are smart especially with your heavy insinuations. Can we pleaseeeeee stop.


The colossal titans in the wall are not smart titans. There are only 9 titan shifters. "colossal" is referring to their size


Also a wonderful callback to Bertholdt. All things considered Bertholdt’s end is horrifyingly tragic. The episode is remembered for the choice between Armin and Erwin, all the while completely forgetting that Bertholdt is a person too. A person not older than Eren and the others. That entire bit is the Survey Corp viewing him as an instrument, but worse that is projected even more so by the audience, by us. But then you think, even if they didnt view Bertholdt as an instrument, the fact that they had such a desperate choice to make, meant that there was no other way to treat Bertholdt, even if the intent wasnt one of complete malice. It’s interesting because it again calls back to the show’s theme. And Eren shows it. This Eren has empathy, has almost full empathy but now understands the world more so…yeah no choice. What a beautiful but horrifying show.


next episode goanna be a trainwreck


The founding titan has all the power over the subjects of ymir that is when a royal blood is involved is where I'll put it to answer your question on wall titans without spoiling from what we learned so far..


Something you wouldn’t really notice from a first viewing is Armin’s colossal titan has no ears. It’s been assumed that he does this so he doesn’t hear the screams and or anything else caused by his destruction. Something that is obviously a perfect reflection of his character


OOf Gabi and Falco screaming for Reiner...I had the same reaction. That was so heartbreaking.

Sergeant Jay

The answer to your question “are the colossal Titans inside the walls smart Titans ?” No they are not smart Titans, but they can follow orders from the founding titan, and yes there is millions of them inside the walls.


At the end of the video they say they won't have the time to watch 4x08. So... Yeah ...

Денис Куличенко

Great reaction as always girls. I don't think Jean missed on purpose, I think in that moment, he found the cold blood to shoot through the little kid(even though he hated it), but Pieck basically exposed herself(got out of titan,which generated steam to push the missile aside). So Pieck was willing to sacrifice herself for Falco.


To me it is but that’s probably not a common opinion.


I like Magath more than I ever thought I would he is such a good character and actually wants to change Marley for the better. And also dad material as we have seen when he talks to the kids.


@Lm Reactions How did you take the end of episode 8 what was your reaction to it? Like the death and the other twist at the end? They have seen ep 8


Stay tuned for the next episode of aot reactions... (dragon ball z style voice )


Didn't willy say the Tyburs helped King Fritz? So maybe they used the warhammer to help build the wall?


Ironically Armin is now the person with the highest kill count. Estimated 15000-30000 people died from that explosion. Second highest if you pin the 200 000 that died because the lack of food as a result of the Colossal Titan kicking the wall to Bert.


does anyone know when are they uploading the full reaction?


At this point I feel like the girls are gonna cry regardless if the characters are suffering or are happy lol


pls full alrdy!


I think the abiguity of it is on purpose and there is no clear answer


yassss slay

Robert H.

He considered not doing it, but remembered that in the fight against Kenny's squad, his holding back almost got him killed himself, and only thanks to Armin, who didn't wait a second, he didn't die. Especially Levi's words to Armin play a role here: "Because you didn't hold back, none of your comrades died." I suspect that this was the reason why he was willing to kill a child with the Cart Titan, because by doing so none of his comrades will die.

Justin Fever

Hats off to Gabi's voice actress.


I love you are connecting certain moments in this episode with previous scenes from season 3 part 1 when Armin and Jean were struggling to kill a human for the first time.


I get the feeling, for the first time ever, they may end up stopping the next episode in the middle of watching. Out of sheer grief.


We are looking forward to the full reaction.


i think i heard somewhere he killed like 3000 people with that transformation but i'm not sure if that's correct or not


I'm just wondering why you call Levi a baby, he is 34 xD


we didn't end up stopping it but i said a 100 times that im about to stop the episode

Mati D.

They called the main characters "my baby "my babies"


i feel like next episode is going to be like 50 minutes of tears and sorrow... which is comprehensible. sasha's death is sadly one of the things i knew when i started the show so i had been preparing myself for it for the first 3 seasons and it still hurt like hell. but again, i can never hate gabi, i love that kid with my whole heart and hate when people talk shit about her, just like when people talk shit about azula, it feels personal.

David Caine

Remember the last time Jean failed to act and hesitated to shoot....it nearly cost him his life, and that was the first time Armin shot and killed someone to save Jean. That is why Jean hesitated but then shot to kill. He did mean to kill, it was just the steam that redirected the thunder spear. The cognitive dissonance and the guilt is what made him second guess his actions after the fact. But Jean had already learned his lesson back in season 3.




The girls addressing the creator of AoT after every episode of Season 4: https://c.tenor.com/oGo3P-2HBAoAAAAC/he-cant-keep-getting-away-with-it.gif


The voice acting for Gabi at the end of the episode always gets to me, such a great episode

My Toasty Toast

I think there’s some great writing if Jean did intend to kill Falco at that moment. He had that’s experience of hesitation back in season 3 where he didn’t kill that soldier and Armin ended up having to kill her before she shot Jean. Not to mention Falco ends up saving his life in the episode after by tackling Gabby who was about to shoot him. I think it makes sense for his character to have managed to pull that trigger in that moment and then immediately regret it


I'm glad you will watch the next episode separately...


wonderful performance. very emotive.


I guess you're talking about mine couse I just read your comment under mine. They've already watched the 8th episode. I wouldn't make a spoiler knowing they haven't watched it. They talked about it on twitter and I follow them.


mikasa and levi are the only two who carry 3 thunder spear on one arm


akuma in japenese means devils


Also i think when it comes to jeans hesitance it also comes from season 3 when they captured Reiner, when hange is interrogating Reiner and puts the swore to his throat, jean hesitated and tried to get hange not to do that then the cart titan picks him up and escapes nearly killing hange in the process. Thats why i think jean says this is for last time


Its an amazing episode! I have watched aot season 4 like 7 times and ever time i watch the episodes again i have a different reaction compared to last as you start to understand what is happening. At the beginning when this episode first aired it was just total hype but now i get into my depression pit. Apart from when levis on screen 😆


you guys blow my mind with how quick you pick up on plot trends, the individual feelings behind each character, and the implications certain events will have in the coming episodes. I've probably watched AOT 4-5 times over and y'all say things that I still hadn't connected.

Rick Turpentine

God damn Gabi's voice actress has PIPES. That scream was intense as it gets. Also Armin probably just killed a few thousand people that was a pretty large fleet and the port was wrecked. Poor guy. Probably even harder because they know they arent just brainwashed children like the warriors were.


This could very easily be considered the best episode in AoT history


First time viewing of season 4 i was just hyped but after watching it again everything hit so hard, i was so divided on who to support, thats how your know its a good show




just like gabi is such an obv parallel to eren, i think falco is soooo alike arumika(armin and mikasa). the same desire of peace like armin, and the empathy like armin plus the the entire protecting gabi(eren) thing


the titans in the walls are colossal titans but dumb ones that only the founding titan can release


"what a fucking shot" of Armin's Colossal... Exactly Lola, the title of Armin's resurrection episode is called Midnight Sun (3x18). We are looking exactly at a midnight sun shot right there :D

Ben C

you're both rockstars

Mahni Alizadeh

nah i know you two are tired of hearing this but you don't know how much smarter you are than the average viewer... obviously i can't say much more than that but yeah, give yourselves some credit

Ben C

wait why you wearing a tshirt from my home state hahahahah


They cant keep getting away with this!


Damn, sitting here crying while I was sitting here cheering when this released xD


The wall titans are dumb titans, just colossal-sized. They stay asleep since they're not exposed to sunlight by the exterior of the walls. Which is why it was so important to cover the hole back at the start of s2 where a part of the exterior came off after the battle with Annie.


the way you guys understanding this manga is perfect and make me happy. love from Korea

Be Happy

Except Eren has 2 of the most powerful and dangerous titans and Levi .. well Ackermann 😉

Be Happy

If their Twitter feeds are any indication, not well at all!!

Be Happy

Nope! The founding has the ability to build the walls by his own. Remember the pic from ´ that Day´?


What this show does to you, it takes a toll. Who's side are we on again?


I mean the true question here is... How are you guys processing this? This show kills you inside from time to time lmao <3 Awesome reaction as always.

Hannah N

Mixing up Historia and Armin happens to so many people and its always gonna be funny


I feel like he hesitated again, even if for only one second it was enough time to make the steam relevant in redirecting the spear.

Ken Drummer

What an amazing show! You start out hating Reiner then you start feeling for him. You can’t help but feel strongly for both sides. That’s how war is everyone loses.


Gabbie and Falco are so precious ughhhhh


is there anyone who can explain the wierd riener reskin? why does his titan look different


Pretty sure its because he didn't have the energy or will to properly transform (Suicide attempt, saying he just wants to die)


I know, right? The theories I was crafting were so basic, not even scratching the surface. The closest I got was when I was assuming Grisha was the beast titan, because they kinda looked alike. But I had no idea about the outside world, and when they showed us Liberio the first time, I felt like someone punched me in the stomach. And watching Lola and Milena correctly guessing that the outside world is technologically far more advanced AT LEAST 5-6 EPISODES SOONER just blew my mind.


I just got Patreon to see your reaction, cause I can't wait for youtube XD this season is just too good!!!


The face Armin makes before he transforms is the exact face Bertholt made in 2x6 before he did.


It 100% was pieck's steam from her exiting her titan that caused Jean to miss. I can provide a citation when the story ends.


Just became a patreon for this episodes, you never disapoint , love from Chile :D

Jacob Schreiber

just let them have their own opinions and takes on things pls, also if its information they havent seen yet then you are just spoiling.


listening to your post-episode discussion really made me teared up, but also relieved because it feels good to see people who truly understand both perspectives, whose heart broke for both sides. thank you again, you two <33


Eren has one Goal only and that he told in season 1. Rest everything is supplementary objectives on the path.


Same, just subbed the second they started Season 4. I'm just way too impatient.


support eren with everything he's doing. meh he killed some kids, call it colleteral damage. he's finishing the war they started. eldians on paradise literally were getting eaten alive for a decade. hundreds of thousands. like he said baby, keep moving forward until i destroy my enemies. shouldn't start beef you can't end.


I dont think you understand what this show is about.


bruh enchanter don’t just casually drop that manga spoiler in this comments section wtf, it’s very easy to just skip over your edit comment, especially if you are on mobile.


Team Jaeger here we go! Doesn’t matter who started the war, my man Eren gonna end it.


How is their schedule to post attack on titan videos here?

Harrison Allen

They usually post aot on Tuesday and Friday. Time is of course depends on your time zone and it’s not a set time but usually between 4-7 est.

Joshua Miller

It is so strangely validating watching people go through the pain you've already endured