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bcs 3x08

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Has BCS moved to Monday - Thursday now? Or are we getting Death Note tonight?


no we’re just late with posting this because of our trip 😁 we’ll start posting death note this thursday and it’s gonna be every monday and thursday, just like korra


Thanks girls! Hope you had a good trip. Bet you were dying to get back to continue AoT. You have a great knack of ending viewings on the worst cliffhangers :P


I think Lola is much taller than Milena. How do you two manage to film while looking the same height? Is Milena sitting on many cushions??


One thing about Jimmy's character is that he desperately needs external validation. He doesn't intrinsically feel proud of himself for his accomplishments, or secure in who he is professionally. He desperately needed Chuck to accept him as a lawyer and be impressed and proud of him. And he needs that from Kim as well. He doesn't just want to be her boyfriend. He needs her to see him as her professional equal. He needs her to respect him and value him and include him in her professional life. That's why he's so desperate to hold on to the office. He is feeling really shitty about himself and he senses that Kim may be losing faith in him. He doesnt want to lose the office because it would mean letting go of his dream, and he fears that once it's gone, it'll be gone for good.


Also it's a sad irony that Mike is so concerned about people disappearing and their families never hearing from them again, never knowing what happened to them... when that's exactly what happens to him in BB.


Full reaction coming tomorrow then?


@FWolf all because of Walter and him not using his brain.


"Slip" is one of my favorite episodes names in the series. Jimmy "accidently" slips in the music store and thus slips back into the Slippin Jimmy lifestyle. Meanwhile, Nacho slips Hector the fake pills. Lots of slipping!

Julian San

Assuming there is ZERO consequences regarding the cook, I think it was a bad idea to have said cook be so visible during such an intense scene. Virtually everyone thinks that Nacho would be found out or otherwise fail because of the cook. Lol


I never thought about the cook when I first watched. And the window into the kitchen looks to be pretty high so I doubt the cook would be able to see what happened from that angle.


Gus wasn't saying that he had a job for Mike, he was saying he has a way to launder Mike's money so that there's no way the Salamancas could find out.


I understood his response to mean that he won't take Mikes money, but he will do it, for something that Gus wants. I don't think Gus is being altruistic in saying he won't touch Mike's money... he has an agenda. At least, that's how I interpreted it.


jimmy had to sell that ad time and should finish his community service before he starts looking for another job