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and this is it. i can't believe we have finished the legend of korra and that we have to leave this universe that gave us so much happiness, we'll miss it dearly. thank you all for being on this journey with us and i hope we will all enjoy whatever avatar studios releases whenever they release it 

full tomorrow


korra 413

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This just absolutely destroyed me almost nearly as much as when I originally watched the end myself. I am so happy though knowing that there will be more to come in this universe for us to experience.

William Abbott

It's been a great ride getting to experience my two favorite series set in my favorite universe again with you two. Wow time flies. Great job Melina and Lola we appreciate it, a lot of good times over the past year or two. Many more to come 💪 Avatar for life! "Never forget who you are"

Simon Gilbert

it’s been such a great ride


The showrunners did in fact confirm right after the finale that Korra and Asami are a couple


AtLA ended on a similar shot with Aang and Katara, so, you know, make of that what you will.


Now to do what everyone does when its over...go back and rewatch from the beginning of Aang :)


Dark Horse has an official comic by the creators that follows right after this episode. The actual voice actors for Korra and Asami did a live reading of the comic last year. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylU-ksQP4FE I hope you guys see it and enjoy it!


i cry that this day has come.. i am sad.


I always loved both series, but somehow the way you two analyzed the emotional and psychological journey of all the characters gave me a new appreciation. I actually enjoyed rewatching ATLA and LoK with you both than I did seeing it the first time. Thank you for doing an amazing job reacting to these series. You are the best.


"I finally understand why I needed to go through all that, I needed to understand what true suffering was, so that I could be more compassionate to others" - Korra Might be my favourite line out of anything.

Hannah N

if the show was made like two years later they definitely would've kissed at the end there've been a lot of gay relationships in animation since korra but the network at the time wouldn't let it happen:/ they kiss in the comics though!

Hannah N

oh also you should read the kyoshi novel, it's a lot more adult than last airbender/korra, kyoshi's like an assassin that straight up murders people and she has a gay romance


Even though it wasn’t that long ago, Nickelodeon wouldn’t allow it to be a full blown gay relationship at the time. They even got a lot of nonsense heat over the ending. I definitely believe they should’ve made it more “clear”. But it is what it is.


So you don't going to read Avatar comics "Search" and "Smoke and shadows"?


Before I play the episode I wanna say that yes, they are a couple, as many have told you in the comments. It's a pity Nickelodeon didn't let the showrunners put a kiss and they could only imply they are together (Nickelodeon now has the nerve to put pictures of Korra in pride month and things like that when they were the ones that forbid something "explicit "). Michel Dante or Bryan, I can't remember which one was said that Korrasami is actually his favourite ship of the whole avatarverse and that he was the first shipper. It's funny that one of the creators calls himself a Korrasami shipper. I've mentioned it a few times but I'd really love to know your opinions if you ever get to read the Kyoshi novels and the comics. I know this is a reaction channel but I'd love to see you talking about the books. Anyway, I'm going to watch the reaction now and cry like a baby.


Also I think you'd like this. This is official art made by Bryan. https://bryankonietzko.tumblr.com/post/112732303027/turtle-duck-date-night-this-is-my-piece-for-the Anyway, just finished the video and I'm emotional. TLoK is probably one of my favourite shows and Korra one of my favourite characters ever. So seeing you enjoy this show and giving Korra so much love really moved me. And Lola, I disagree, I'd love to see you review the books 😂. Or at least tell us what you thought of them and what you think if Kyoshi as a character after reading them because I already loved Kyoshi but after reading the books she became my favourite along Korra and Azula. Well, I hope we can see you react to other avatarverse things soon.


Please review the books.


What a great reaction ladies, this finale brought me the tears when i first watched it and i'm a grown man. Really loved Korra's character and all the others to. I can't really pick a top 5, because each one had their own amazing scenes from start to finish. I also wish there were a season 5, but i do know about the comics which continues Korra's story. They could just bring all the actors and actresses back to cover those comics in new seasons. But they won't. I am excited for more Avatar content coming later down the line, and i'm just hoping they don't screw it up.


"Anyone is capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the fire lord, have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance." I think if she had Aang to talk to, she would have come to her realization that Kuvira is worth saving. But part of what makes Korra a great Avatar is that she is learning everything on her own without her past-lives.


they have confirmed that yes, Korra and Asami are indeed in a romantic relationship


I really want to see an Iroh story leading up to the events of airbender.




Thank you two for this wonderful adventure across the Avatar Universe! Your passion for the show, love and compassion for the characters, and detailed review of the stories helped to renew my love for this show of my childhood. You're shipping of Korasami (& at least Milena's shipping of Zhu Li & Varrick) were some of the most enjoyable moments during this last season! I would be more than okay with you continuing into any further Avatar media, even books or comics, especially the Kyoshi novel (There's No Movie In Ba Sing Se). Love you two!


This was an incredible journey! Thank you so much. I’d love for you to enjoy being let down by the live action movie if you have a chance and want to laugh a little (or a lot). 🙂


I think it would be absolutely hilarious to see your thoughts on the live action movie 😂