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the full one will be up in the morning


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Shadoe Price

You probably noticed in the editing, but there was no tracker in Nacho's gas cap.


Jimmy is just lashing out at Chuck now, in his mind it’s Chuck’s fault that all this is happening to him, which is obviously not true because all this started with Jimmy screwing over Chuck. It reminds me (to a much lesser degree) how Walter blamed Jesse for Hank’s death. In Walter’s mind it was Jesse that got Hank killed but all along ignoring the fact that everything that happened was due to his own actions.


I'm not really sympathetic to Jimmy here. Kim told him he doesn't need to pay for an empty office but he insisted. Nobody's making him lose money. He needs to swallow his pride and sell it. And he'll be fine. Wait one year and that's it.


im just thinking now that the talk with the woman from group who's husband went missing made Mike think about the good samaritan that Hector killed because of what Mike did robbing that truck. He's thinking about the family of that guy never getting closure for their missing (as far as they know) family member. Now he wants to make sure no one else gets hurt by a plan not well enough thought out


I think Jimmy went revenge on Chuck because he had reached his breaking point and he couldn't control his emotions. Getting constantly rejected trying to sell those commercial slots, paying all of his expenses out of pocket while also doing his time with community service. It was like 3x02 when he broke into Chuck's home...he couldn't control his emotions and his immediate response was to lash out.


It’s funny how jimmy tells Kim to put Chuck in the rear view mirror and that he’s not worth thinking about…how about you take your own advice Jimmy!


Jimmy may have won the court battle but he's frustrated at the state of his life now, being broke, having to pick up trash for hours every day, lost his job and income. He's really struggling and now starting to feel the weight of his punishment even though he got off lightly. He was faking it at the end but there was real emotion behind it and what he was saying was true. Everything in his life is going wrong and he just needs a break. As an outlet for this frustration he takes it out on Chuck because it makes him feel better and more in control of things. I know Jimmy is a horrible person in many ways but I can't bring myself to hate him. I see him as a perpetual child, lol. Intellectually he's very intelligent, but he has the emotional state of a child, and he lashes out in the same way a child would when they are feeling unloved, neglected, rejected. It originates with Chuck (who he IDOLIZES; everything Kim said in that speech was so true) and his lack of acceptance and support for Jimmy, which is clearly the most important thing in the world to him, and he's been denied it. Not excusing his behavior, but that's how I interpret him.


that was Saul's heisenberg moment near the end

Suhhh Dude

Not exactly, you can go back and forth forever on whose fault it was. Jimmy blames Chuck for recording him and pressing charges. Chuck wouldn't have done that had Jimmy not messed with the numbers. But Jimmy wouldn't have messed with the numbers had Chuck not gone out of his way to take Mesa Verde from Kim to spite Jimmy. But Chuck wouldn't have gone out of his way to take Mesa Verde had Jimmy not messed around with Sandpiper/Davis and Main and inadvertently caused Kim to want to leave HHM. But Jimmy wouldn't have had so many issues with Sandpiper and Davis and Main had Chuck just let him join HHM. But Chuck would have let Jimmy join HHM had Jimmy not been a screwup his whole life. But Jimmy wouldn't have always been a screwup had his brother been more supportive and less resentful. It didn't "all start with Jimmy", it's been brewing for as long as they've been brothers, even before even the events of the show.


I just looked this up, and daaaamn, Tamara Tunie is currently 62.


Mike is MUCH younger than you two think. Remember, this show is a prequel so Mike is actually younger than he was in Breaking Bad even though his actor is older. Remember when Mike said he has experience with that bolt action Vietnam-era rifle when he was buying it to kill Hector? That hints that Mike served as a sharpshooter in the Vietnam war, which means he was likely born in the early-mid 40s (the US entered the Vietnam war in 1965 so if Mike was 18 when he went over he would have been born in 1947 but he could have been a few years older being a sharpshooter). This episode takes place in early March 2003 (for reference BB episode 1 takes place in early September 2008 so we are still quite a ways away) which means Mike is in his late 50s to early 60s right now. I would guess he's 59 (born in 1944 went to Vietnam at age 21). This also means that Mike most likely wasn't even 70 years old yet when Walter killed him. Interestingly, Jonathan Banks is 74, but he was 61 when he first appeared in season 2 of Breaking Bad which is actually younger than Mike would be at that point if Mike is 59 now. But if we say Mike was the same age as Johnathan Banks when he first appeared, then Mike would only be 56 right now which is the same age he would be if he was born in 1947 and entered the war at 18 so he very well could be as young as 56 at this point in the story (BB season 2 takes place mostly in November and December of 2008 and 2008 - 61 years is 1947).


One thing I will say is you can't excuse Chuck's actions towards Jimmy based on his mental illness alone. He has only had the mental illness for about two years, but his resentment towards Jimmy spans decades.