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korra 411 edited

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why are you acting weird like people cant make errors on accident? u should be grateful you even got to see their video man. These girls work too hard for people to call them lazy and its not even funny if you think it is.


You know who Kuvira really reminds me of? "Blodreina" Octavia from The 100. Both of them have become leaders with good intentions by necessity, they provided much-needed stability through fear and force but then couldn't let it go because they felt they needed to go further. They both have feelings that they hide and suppress (Kuvira does love Bataar, just as Octavia did love Bellamy) and they both lead a war for land they think they're entitled to. I really like how Kuvira coming for Republic City is actually foreshadowed in season 3. Kuvira is, ironically, repeating the exact statement that the Earth Queen has made before: "Republic City is stolen land, it belongs to the Earth Kingdom/Empire"


Arguing over Varrick is the highlight for me

Lorenzo Baxter

Kuvira does love Bataar. She just simply has her priorities straight. Uniting the Earth Empire is the mission and she must complete it. She definitely feels remorse, otherwise the creators wouldn't make the effort to show shots of her being sad, or her face trembling. But there are more important things going on right now in her eyes.

Lorenzo Baxter

And about Varrick and Zhu Li, listen here Lola, if you don't like the ship thats fine 😅 but spending time with someone for such a long time, and knowing as many things about Varrick as Zhu Li does, it's hard not to catch feelings. It's not like he was abusive towards her. Took her for granted absolutely, but never disrespected her or treated her like not human. He treated her like what she was, his assistant while he was busy being eccentric and being a bit greedy. And Stockholm syndrome is definitely not applicable here 🤣


Wish you guys disagreed more often. Very entertaining post reaction discussion :P I'm sort of in-between. I don't really ship Varrick and Zhu-Li but they have some cute moments.


Milena giving her Zhu Li x Varrick Ted Talk: 😍🤓✏️📋👩‍💼 Lola in the audience: 🙄🤦


Everyone makes Avatar theory videos about the mysteries left unanswers in the story and the world building. Lola will be the first to make an hour long theory video about Zhu Li lol


The creators didn't show her that sad, and there wasn't much remorse. A slight eye twitch. And afterwards she just sighed, and moved on. She didn't even hesitate to fire that thing. Also, you're making it sound like blowing up the building with the Avatar and Bataar in it was her only option. Strength and power were still on her side. She could have chosen not to fire it, and come up with a plan instead. If you're talking about priorities, Bataar seems way down at the bottom. The amount of sadness she displayed for his death is how much I display when my computer crashes when I'm working on something. No normal, empathetic, human in love, immediately decides to just blow their fiancé up when things don't go their way for a minute lol.


"Why would you ever go dark?" *Glances back at the murder-suicide at the end of season 1*...

Lorenzo Baxter

I never used the word profound. You did. I just am saying she is sadder than Lola and Mileena seem to think. Very simple.


Well, yeah exactly. That's what profound means. It's a word that measures the intensity of sadness in this case. On one extreme, it's "the kind of sadness one feels for the loss of a loved one." On the other, it's "the kind of sadness one feels for the loss of an important file on a hard drive." Both cases are sad, no doubt about it. The intensity though... debatable. I'm sure Bataar was more significant than a file to her lol, but ultimately, my views align with LM's in this matter. But like I said from the beginning, feel free to agree to disagree. It's all good.


You don’t have an assistant scrub your feet. That along with many many other tasks went far beyond what you would ask an assistant to do. So yes, Varrick was disrespectful to her and treated her sub-humanly.


You know what's actually funny to me? My first time watching Korra, I reacted almost exactly how Lola did with Varick and Zhu Li - I did not think the two would really make a good couple. But after watching it a second time with you both, I must say I have changed and now share the same sentiment as Mileena! XD

Amir Ali

Waiting for AoT (>•-•<)


you two know the Firebender in the intro is Avatar Roku right?