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update: it's processed, glad you've enjoyed the thumbnail 😄

look youtube hates us, i've been waiting an hour for this to process and still nothing, it's getting late so im gonna post in and hope it processes, i'm uploading it again and if that version can be viewed at 1080p before this one i'll repost it. sorry this is late we've had a fun evening of getting hacked on youtube and we had to spend time retrieving our account and changing all the passwords and emails and because of all that i forgot to put the full to export, i'm doing that now but it's gonna take a bit, if i don't fall asleep ill post it later tonight


aot 319

________________________ patreon - https://www.patreon.com/LMreactions twitter - https://twitter.com/LMreaction tv time - lola - skysstillblue, milena - oneofthe100 blocked vikings reactions - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwR_b5ue-zgOa1oyX1V6ekRTcTg blocked game of thrones - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwR_b5ue-zgOQVc0eFVFSFdsdVE sense8 finale - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bZzI9ES22sjUfMhVt-nzrlwXP5Aaotsh?usp=sharing


Zekrom XI

Lmao that thumbnail though!


Thank you for getting the reaction out still despite all the barriers you faced 💖




i can post the google drive link when it uploads in 15min but it's 6gb and i feel bad doing that to you


I think 720p is just fine for me. It's half the upload time so you could do that.

Mati D.

Thumbnail is literally everyone the first time we saw the photo.

Jonathan baez

Id watch in 180 tbh 😂


Hey, I just saw there’s a Japanese account that is uploading your AOT videos to YouTube, I don’t know if that has anything to do with it but I thought you should know. sorry to hear you had to spend your evening like that. Hopefully it won’t happen again.


360p is fine to me, i mean I live in south america, my internet cant play 1080

Jyn Jilly

The thumbnail is why we love you lol


Yea... that thumbnail is why I'm subbed 😂♡


omg im so sorry you guys got hacked?!?! i hope its all okay now! wtf

Camelot B

Cutest thumbnail ever xD thanks for the upload


Honestly, that thumbnail made my day.


I just saw the thumbnail while laying on my side and I thought I'm having a stroke lmao


Shingeki no kyojin. Excited for the next few episodes. Also, saddened to know your YouTube got hacked.


My girls! I've been waiting for the Shingeki no Kyojin reaction, thank you so much!!!


Thanks for the upload & Sorry about the hack; so glad we finally made is this far in the show and don't worry too much about the full if you get too tired, one day won't kill us


That's the processing she's referring to. It'll be higher quality when Youtube fully processes it.


PLEASE take the time to digest the remaining episodes for this season. It be really cool if you included extended amount of time after your reactions to talk through like all of the info you gathered. Most of the important information you will learn about the show will be in the next episodes so please dont rush them!


This show gives you bread crumbs for answers.


Your discussion before the video is exactly what I think about this show as well


please don't watch any trailer for S4, it's a heavy spoiler! You don't have to wait for it anyway.


Very much this. Opening/intro is fine, but wouldn't recommend watching the trailer.

Robert H.

I want so much to see the reaction to the next episode. And the bad thing is: next month I have to save money, so no Patreon. So I have to wait 3 weeks for episode 21. That will be really hard.

Robert H.

A little reminder: The first episode was called "To You, in 2000 Years".


Loving watching the journey with you

Scar Xel

When the full réaction going to be published ?


You girls are the first people I've ever become a patreon for and I have not regretted it, love all the work you two do!

Neil Patel

Yea you two give great reactions honestly . I used to be a normies patron but I enjoy your reactions more


See now that you have a lot of the big questions answered you might think you can kinda relax and enjoy the Youtube/etc. communities more but please be just as careful because people still spoil so much of AoT from the manga. Take care girls!


I'm actually surprised you guys didn't quite get there on this final episode before the answer dump that is 'That Day'. Felt like you were getting very close from some discussions in the early parts of 3b. But I suppose you're right in that your strength is in understanding characters and you do understand these chars very well. They will lead you to the truth!


i guess we were close but the idea of a second wall was always throwing us off, like why would they keep making titans in the second walls if then they also have to live in a cage and then that didn't quite go with the theory that the people inside our walls were titans and all these little things just kept us from the answer. i just love that the answer in the end makes so much sense


"Can't believe we're talking for half an hour before every episode." And we love every single minute of it!


The next episodes are one of my favorites.. Oh cant wait


the thumbnail is vince giligan genious level <3 i lough out loud even before the reaction started


Just gotta say, for the next few episodes, if you have to pause/rewatch things to fully ingest everything, please do so. It's very dense.


I hope you enjoy season 4. There is still some time left on this season but, after next ep, everything about this show changes. there is a small minority that dislikes the show and direction the story takes after this but I think most like it alot. its a relief to finally get the truth some of us waited years for! enjoy!


I agree! make sure you keep that in the reaction recording for us too! :P


In the first episode, when Eren tells his father why he wanted to join the survey corps, Grisha makes this satisfaction like expression with his face, and a couple of minutes later he tells Eren that he will show him what's in the basement once he returns from his trip. That reaction in episode 1 makes so much sense after the flashback in this episode when he tells Eren that he'll show him what's in the basement once he realizes the most important thing. I recommend you girls to watch that scene again.


Milena : There’s a scene after the Ending. Lola : laughing Lola again : OMG its 19 there is a scene after the credit !! Milena : WTF


You should see OVAs lost girls!))


There being less questions means that the spoilers will be more hyper specific in recommendations as people make videos and links and posts that reveal stuff


yellow star, doesn't ring a bell? °-°'

Ken Drummer

That thumb nail! 😂. Just proves that you both will bend over backwards to get to the truth!


it's fine just let them make connections when they make it. That's the whole point of reaction videos

Joaquin garcia

love your intros and after episodes reviews, pls dont cut it, talk whatever you want 😁


yeah Erwin dying is the natural end of his arc. He was selfish he put knowledge over humanity, but at the end he puts humanity over knowledge, what character growth could he have left?


Honestly I had to google Serbia after watching, and according to Wikipedia, they had some serious shit go down there during WW2, so I would think the girls would have had to learn about stuff like that in school, so I am also surprised they didn't recognize that immediately.

Pepperoni Pony .

you know that everyone looking at the thumbnail is doing the -same exact- pose to see the look on your faces XD