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bcs 207 full.wmv



Nice. I almost fell asleep

Jyn Jilly

So this is "Bettee" Call Saul? Is this the spinoff of a spinoff? Cause I'd watch that too

Dieter Mai

Don't know what was wrong with the suites. They looked lit


Lola at 14:21 is better than the entire episode. 😂

Daniel Chavez

The opening scene with young Jimmy is one of my favorite parts of the series. It shows so much why Jimmy grew up to be the way he is now. He tries to do the right thing by helping his dad see the reality of whats going on, and his dad not only doesn't listen to him but even gives the guy more money! I totally get why he would be so mad and pry be thinking "He gives his money away anyways, whats it matter if I take a bit??" It doesnt make it right, but I totally get why he'd feel that way.

Mike Minerals

Jimmy trying so hard to get fired... that never quite made sense to me. People say this show is better than BB but characters in BB always had solid motivation for their actions. This show lost me a little on this ep.

Shadoe Price

The motivation is stated right in the text. Jimmy wants to keep his bonus specifically because he can use it to pay for Kim's debts and get her to work with him, which we saw he wanted back in season 1 when he got the huge office. To do that he has to get fired in the way that Cliff says. After everything she's went through with Howard he believes that he can convince her to go into the solo practitioner route before she joins S&C, which he ends up being right about.