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you know the drill, this is not processed but i fell asleep 3 times waiting for this to export so there's no way im making it through the processing part


aot 3x17 full.wmv


Mati D.

Beautiful reaction and post ep analysis, can't wait for 3x18.


looool thank you, sleepy lola

Ron C

Lola, just sleep and have some rest. Lol. We luv u.


At this rate, we're gonna get full Serbian language lessons by the time they get to the middle of S4.


People often die before their time in real life, girls. A realistic story is not afraid to depict such tragedies. This isn't Hollywood, after all. Sometimes we'll get happy endings, but don't be in denial when tragedy happens. This is good storytelling. Everything Armin did was in character, and he SAVED everyone. Truly a hero. I think there's no need to diminish his "death" by protesting that it was wrong from your point of view. I think by doing that, in some way it's disrespectful to the heroic choices that boy made. (I know you weren't disrespecting, and are simply very attached to him. But in general, that's how those views can come off, in my opinion). Edit: Obviously I'm aware they've seen ep 18. Doesn't mean one can't keep this idea in mind for the future.


They watched the next episode boi it’s useless


Fun fact: The chapter with Armin's sacrifice in the manga released on Worlds Ocean Day and National Best Friends Day Btw, loved the moment in the beginning with Lola saying "I don't think we'll retreat" and then correcting herself and saying "them". The 'us VS them' dichotomy will be very important soon...


Since they’ve seen ep 18 already, this is why I don’t get why people urge reactors to watch the end credits of 3x12. The show went on hiatus when that episode came out, people are binge watching now so it just clues people off to a confrontation that they’ll see in a couple of days anyway.


hello guys i'm new to this patreon thing, what's the upload schedule of AOT reactions please

Dake Weng

Because apparently it's a super important part of the story to get that preview ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I asked the same question and got attacked lol


is it possible to upload full reactions with the uncensored episode? or still there is copyright claims outside you tube?


The reaction video is not working