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My Toasty Toast

Lola: “who the fuck is this?” Ymir, who’s been in the show since season 1: “am I a joke to you?”


I love your reactions honestly :') Also yeah I think it's whatever to watch the openings and endings. I watched them when the show first came out (obviously normal people watching the show aren't gonna know ' hey don't watch that it has "spoilers") The creators intended for us to watch them so who cares. I honestly think it's fine :)


Yeah I think these things only make sense in retrospect lol people are overthinking things.


There isn't one correct interpretation obviously, but to give some insight into Sasha's arc in this episode and Ymir (By the way I was hoping you would remember the name Ymir from a previous episode, it's sort of a big deal when it's said but it's okay), it wasn't Ymir bullying Sasha and Krista sticking up for Sasha, it was Ymir realising that Sasha talks really politely and formally even around her peers. It's hard to compare to english but basically imagine a soldier talking to a military general and their fellow soldiers in the same way. Which is why Ymir says it's annoying and she thinks Sasha is forcing it.. Even tho she's a bit crude (not cruel), she wants Sasha to be herself, meanwhile Krista's stance is that Sasha chose to talk the way she is so even if it isn't her true self she should do it regardless. Then Sasha enjoys watching Ymir and Krista arguing because she's still getting used to people and social interactions. What she says to the girl "Keep running until you find someone. It might take a while, but you'll see them eventually" is essentially a metaphor for how Sasha is remarking on the fact that she ended up leaving the forest and met people she could call friends (Sidenote, back in episode 3 of the training Krista was the one who gave bread to Sasha when she was starving, and Ymir confornted her about it. So these three have a little history)