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this fucking episode.... the full reaction is exporting


bb 511

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Oh no not a fucking episode!


but i got work in 5 hours ;-; no sleep it is then


Brilliant episode, but then again aren't they all?

Dammy Oshikoya

They are almost there guys to one of the best episodes ever and boy, I can't wait to see their reactions


Tbh I think you are being a bit too hard on Walt he literally offered to give him self up as an option to Skyler she is the one who stopped him from taking that option she is literally on his side if not for her who knows he might not have kept going.


Aaron Paul won the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for his performance in this episode. deserved


Jesse mentioned him and Jane travelling to New Zealand and living there because lord of the rings was filmed there in season 2. xD


The Alaska thing gets answered at a later time. These writers leave nothing unanswered.


Im with Hank on this,but if you look at it without getting emotionally involved i think you must agree that Walt's confession is so fucking smart.Every single thing that he says is playsible...Incredible writing


lol the amazing and almost miraculous thing is that everything he said in the tape fits and is believable even from a watcher's standpoint. things literally couldve gone how walt said it and everyone wouldve believed him. cuz not only does all the events fit, but his reputation among his colleagues has always been him being a "quiet and humble" person. no one would ever believe he went into the drug business of his own accord. vince is a god tier writer. not to discredit the rest of the episode but that scene right there is one of my favs


Racist stuff? Did you not see Hank when the show started? That was his only defining character trait.


I've always thought this episode is one of the most underrated episodes of the show. I know, I know, it's hard to be called underrated during a season that is considered by many one of the greatest in TV history, but when thinking of the most memorable Breaking Bad episodes, my mind usually goes to the Pilot, ABQ, Half/Full Measures, Face-Off, and ones still to come, etc. But the acting in this is incredible and the actual "confession" -- not the one you think you may get at the beginning of the episode -- is chillingly brilliant. Keep up the great reactions, and prepare to continue to be amazed and, yes, emotionally drained. But it's worth it.


This. This is the definition of excellent writing. With so much lazy storytelling out there, this is why BB stands out. But somehow, it still gets better. I can't wait till you finish and start BCS!


I have always thought that Skylers motivations for doing what she was doing were because of the off chance that Walter dies, due to cancer, before their children ever finds out. She is therefore trying to prolong Hanks investigation into Walter. From what I picked up on your post-episode -discussion, you're not seeing it the same way and you see it more as she trying to save herself? I might have misunderstood you. Great reaction though!


Will you two watch Better Caul Saul before or after El Camino?

Suhhh Dude

When this episode came out it spawned a ton of meme videos where ppl made it look like Hank and Marie were watching different stuff lol


Can't wait for the next episode when you find out that Hank isn't a saint either. Even though people want to seem to see these character as black and white.


And I don't really get what the tape changes as far as Walt's "evilness". He and Skyler already made the determination that he wouldn't confess, so the tape is just to ensure that he doesn't have to. If he had actually turned it into the police than that would be different.


"My problem is not really murder. It's not like - I mean, sure, murder."


Wow, I wonder if you will ever root for Walter again...


Beyond the idea of rooting for or against Walter, i think it's interesting that Walter didn't just "become evil". There's a whole web of delusions and rationalizations inside his head, that lead him to do the (horrible) things that he does. For example with Jesse, there's the aspect of his paternalistic delusion of "knowing what's best for Jesse", which was present from the start, that eventually deformed into this absurd destructive relationship. You can argue that somewhere deep down there's still some kind of fatherly love at the root of it, but that's like saying that there's love at the root of an abusive relationship. At some point when you're too obsessed with yourself, like Walt is, you stop seeing the people you love as human beings, as they become instead symbols, part of your delusion. Same with Hank, i think Walt still loves Hank and Marie is some fashion (and why he refused to outright kill them) but that love is completely poisoned by his ego, his past sense of emasculation (in regards to Hank) and again, his constant idea that he knows better, and that the ends justify the means. I think this is what makes the show so fun to watch.


You don't need to tell them how to feel. We're actually here to watch it happen naturally...


I don't think Walter telling Jessie to get out of town was solely for selfish reasons. Yes, it would ensure Jessie doesn't become an issue later on, but I Walter has proven that Jessie is one of the few things he truly cares about. I do think he wanted Jessie to just leave all this behind and somehow move on and have a good life.


This episode is one of my favs. Shockingly, though, you didn't seem all that shocked by one of the most notable jaw-droppers of the show (maybe not the "biggest" reveal, if one were to measure it quantitatively, but that confession tape typically throws everyone for a loop). And I expected Lola to cry, but not Milena! Double shocker! Almost no one figures out Jesse's epiphany before he explains it in Saul's office, but I knew you would! (Nikki and Steven are the only other channel I recall got it right away). So great job! You two rock!


bright and shiny futures are overrated anyway ... I really like how that phrase applies to BB ...

Ken Drummer

The one thing I learned most from this episode is not to make Milena angry!!!

Scott Bringel

I don’t know if you guys noticed but Jesse relapsed. It show the meth in the car for a couple seconds.


Well said. People often say that villains never see themselves as the "bad guy", and that they're usually just the heroes of their own demented stories. In most shows, however, the "demented story" literally isn't one the audience can identify with - it just looks crazy, one dimensional, and like a setup to push the narrative forward like a gimmick/MacGuffin. Walt's internal story is actually plausible when you stack all the justifications together and ignore how his actions have affected other people. So unlike a real psychopath, he does feel the feelings he thinks he's supposed to feel at any given time. And we can empathize with him in (at least some) situations because his feelings are real, and he's really feeling them.


I expect they will watch El Camino first. BCS is many seasons. This is just one movie.


Yep, few reactors got this one. These girls are the most intuitive and smart reactors I've seen. I think their discussions help them to picture possible plot developments.


"I thought I wanted to cry after the previous one and this one was so much fucking worse" - I remember feeling this way after each episode when watching it live. I would be so depressed and anxious. I love your reactions and am excited for everything you have coming up.


One of my personal favorite episodes! And almost always one of the best to watch reactions for because SO many things are happening! lmao


walter gosh are you hugging me with scissors hands? cus thats how it felt dam dean, and vince... you made thoes 2 cutties cry :O shame on you


I paid 5 dollars just to watch this a day early


so what does Jesse deserve... A happy ever after?


the amount of lives Jesse destroyed is insane. its just a sad story.


I will never understand why Jesse just didnt leave.