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bb 5x09

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this shit broke my heart

Dammy Oshikoya

This is gonna be an emotional rollercoaster. And congratulations ladies, you hit 100k subs on YouTube 🎊🎉😊😊

Sykab Zihan

Congrats on the 100k subs on YT! 🥳🥳

James Scheuerman

Me too. They were a family. To see the house that was full of life, now dead. To see Hank not even want to look Walter in the face anymore...when they were like real brothers.


https://i.gyazo.com/0be229346d2d1ff4f5adb0548f23329d.png Congrats!!!


Congrats on 100k ‼️🥳


Nice job on 100k, respect the hustle 💪🏽


haha right when show ended Lola said "goodnight"


Congratulations on 100k subscribers.


Here is the poem for you: I met a traveler from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”




i keep deleting akiros comments, i don't know if they're spoiling things or alluding to them, but thankfully i first see 3, 4 comments telling them to stop, so i know not to read, so just keep doing that if someone posts a spoiler


when speculating you might want to "tread lightly"

James Scheuerman

WOW! 100K! Did you two ever imagine when you started it was gonna be this incredible? Even Dean Norris is rooting for you.


I disagree with the comment you made that "Hank is such a good liar." Every time he lied throughout the show, he was so transparent. He did a telling double-take when they gave him Tuco's grill while claiming he loved it, he had an outburst when lying to Marie about why he didn't want to go to Juarez in the shower, he broke down in the elevator when he was going to get fired. But that is why we love Hank. He is so relatable and human, and he is so honest that his body just doesn't cooperate and it is obvious he is uncomfortable when he has to tell a lie. Hank's character development turned out to be somewhat unique. He didn't change, we just got to know him better.


And to think, by this point, Hank doesn't even know that Walt is the reason he got shot and has trouble walking. It wasn't one of the things he mentioned in the garage, and his biggest claims that specifically involved him were that (1) Walt drove into traffic and (2) he had someone call Hank's cell with the false information about Marie's auto accident. Hank probably just guesses that he was targeted by the cartel because he was too close to the investigation, but he was actually just a pawn in Gus' plays against the cartel. Perhaps Gus and Hank would have come to odds anyway due to their trajectory, but the twins would have never gone North if Tuco hadn't been killed, and Tuco wouldn't have been killed by Hank if he hadn't been looking for Walt, who already had dealings with Tuco. I would think that, without Walt, even if Gus did have to go against the DEA eventually, he would have still had to play things very differently against the cartel, and probably a lot more slowly. WW opened up a lot of possibilities for him to move his pieces around the board. And Hank became one of them because of Walt. I think this episode would have ended very differently if Hank knew more. Probably would have been a much shorter season with Walt just getting shot in the driveway >_<


They said they're going to do the video later, I'm guessing after the episode


I love how consistently committed you are across all shows to making sure people don't take their eyes off the road when driving.


Milena just wanting the strawberries killed me hahaha


Thanks again for your reaction and analysis! Congratulations on your 100k, well deserved. You guys are my favorite BB reaction of all time. Excited to finish this season with you! Even though you are very smart and intuitive, the writers are so good that will surprise you with the ending.

Podey Williams

Strap yourselves in. There are some episodes coming up where I literally felt like I needed a therapy session afterwards!

Ebad Khan

I love everything Milena said, especially at the end of this clip. Love her predictions and I love how much you guys love these characters. This is the first time I've considered showing Hank more love, bc he's honestly really good at what he does. He's our best boy!


“Maybe your best course, would be to tread lightly.” The line delivery there from Bryan Cranston is absolutely terrifying.