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i just have no words about this episode


bb 4x13

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Milena and Lola coming in with that 🔥


I love the song choice for the ending. "Until you travel to that place you can't come back Where the last pain is gone and all that's left is black"


Season 5 is even better,hard to believe but it is and i am so ready for them reacting to it


Season 5 may be the best, but Season 4 has always been my favorite in major part because of Gus Fring. He's one of my favorite TV characters of all time, and the chess match between Walt and him was so interesting to me. With that being said, I can't wait for you to see what happens next!


Love the double meaning of the episode title........Gus' face was literal blown off.


1: Lola is so damn perceptive! 2: Part of that is because the show is so consistently written. Things can be predicted sometimes because you understand the characters and what they’re capable of. One fun fact is that this show wasn’t actually determined ahead of time from the beginning or anything! Jesse was meant to die in season 1, Mike was brought in because the actor for Saul was shooting How I Met Your Mother that day. The writers have just done an incredible job of letting the story and characters go where they naturally should go and that kind of dynamic writing is what I think really makes this show work.


I was going to say these things. Also, the story of Gus was added because of the *amazing* power moves made by Giancarlo Esposito. He was originally brought in to be a mild, low-level character, but he decided to play the part like a supervillain anyway, and the audience was so interested they had to bring him back. And then he negotiated his way into a full-season role, and this is what the writers came up with. Video: "The Brilliant Way Gus Fring Became a Villain in Breaking Bad" by Fact Fiend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L08uVENka8Q


I've been waiting all week for this. You'll never read the episode title, "Faceoff," the same way again! Brilliant, brilliant episode! Now buckle up for season 5!


Outstanding analysis as always, Lola! You've done an amazing job predicting the show up until now - so much so that I've often been concerned that you'd be let down during the reveals. But they don't just deliver the goods by the plots you predict, they also deliver them in ways we can never expect. The Lilly of the Valley twist was a perfect way to dispel any fan theories leading into the twist ending, even though it actually confirmed exactly what many people thought going in. I mean, it does still change the story in that Walt didn't just give ricin to a kid and let him die, so it can be argued that he had some (if not much) reason to be confident that the kid would survive. But the swerve did throw us off the scent of his underlying motivations for just long enough for the ending to hit, as you said, like a ton of bricks ;) Edit: Milena does a great job of predicting the events, too. She's always reminding Lola of their dire situations right before they play out, like Walt not having money in Crawl Space, triggering Lola, hahah. Good times with you two!


Remember in the last episode when Jesse was about to shoot Walter for poisoning the kid? And Walter was explaining how it could've been Gus who did it because "Gus has been 10 steps ahead of me at every turn"... Turns out Walter was the one who was 10 steps ahead of both Gus and Jesse


The stunned silence as the end credit music fades in is why I am here :) Love that even after the reveal that Walt poisoned Brock, you two had to readjust how badly to criticize him because he didn't cause the death of Brock nor use the very dangerous poison on him. I think you both still have some sympathy for Walter at this point, is that fair to say?


bcuz Walter spared the child. something that other actual murderers would not have done. near the end when he asked jesse about the child's condition, you can see the relief on his face. of course, we initially thought he was just worried for the kid but now we know it was bcuz he was the one that poisioned brock hence the relief when he realized he was able to give him just the right dose to survive. which show he truly didnt want to kill the child. ofc we can still say poisoning a child is wrong but in his position, with no room left for error, back against the wall he only had two choices: roll over and get killed along wtih his family or fight against gus with any means necessary. the fact he spared the child's life when he could've easily used the ricin or even other poisions that are lethal meant he didnt wish to harm the boy even if it was for his own strategy.


Lola is an incredibly perceptive viewer not only that she is also able to effectively communicate her ideas in her non native language. I’d love to see her reaction to masterfully crafted show like Watchmen. Unfortunately that show isn’t great for reaction as people trying to help explain what is happening ruin some of the aspects of that show.


Fun fact, Becky (walt's neighbor) is actually played Vince Gilligan's mother


This episode has the outstanding score of 9.9/10 on IMDb. This is the second highest rated episode of the series, tied with the last one. Only one is rated higher (10/10).


I tried to avoid to mention the names of the episodes... the last episode has 9.9 and the other 10

Shadoe Price

You don't get to decide how people react to/watch shows. You're just asking them to not think during the show.

Shadoe Price

Lily of the Valley is absolutely deadly to children. Jesse even says that it was touch and go for a moment, so Brock did almost die. Walter made a choice to risk the kid's life for his own family, just like he risked his neighbor's life by having her go over to his house in this episode.

Josh PaperDragon

Lola ruin this channel for me AGAIN. I'm sure everyone will be happy to know I'm out. Enjoy getting all the rest of your reactions ruined by Lola


its great to see how the show gives us the entire picture.. we know of every character why's they doing what they doing.. we even learned about the flower thing while walt as a winner would never let anyone knows.. (classic example how history writen by the winners and how there always more details for the full picture) in the end i felt like breaking bad should've end here, then season 5 came out and it took few years for me to appreciate it.. now season 5 is my favorite season. i hope you'll enjoy the most and spread the joy throuth to the viewers <3