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about atla 3x12 full, the file is no longer on the laptop we edited it on, we have no idea where it is cause we didn't delete it, milena is gonna check if she has it on another laptop but she can only do it tomorrow so hopefully she finds it and we can release the full one


atla 3x16

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Finally my favorite episode!! Can't wait to watch your reaction queens


One of the best episodes of the series!

Dylan Holman

Are you going to release the 4-part finale all at once, or like one part a day, or stick to your normal schedule?


I don't know if there's ever been an official answer from the creators or another source. But I think she was able to bloodbend without the full moon is to show how skilled and powerful she has become. The moon enhances the abilities of waterbender and gives them the ability to bend blood. Hama couldn't do it without the full moon but Katara at this point can showing how strong she is now. At least that's how I interpreted it.


One of (if not) my favorite episodes! Sooo happy to see your reaction ladies. Love the development of Zutara in this and you can really see how they balance each other out from learning from each other (both their dark and light sides) and growing into forgiveness of one another. Also side note since you mentioned it: Bellarke Day Trip: ends with forgiveness Zutara Day Trip: ends with forgiveness. TRIGGERED


You didn’t love her the way I did! Katara overheard Sokka that he can’t remember what Kya looked like. Katara became his rescue parent. You have Ursa who was willing to make a deal with Ozai to save Zuko’s life. And now you have Kya who was willing to sacrifice her own life to save Katara. They may not be looking for Hama specifically, but because of Hama learning bloodbending, they kill instead of take them prisoners.

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

PLEASE hate watch the live action movie! It’s hilarious watching people reacting to it after watching the show because they love the show so much lol

Nic Harcus

Avatar is one of the best animated shows of all time and Breaking Bad is one of the best shows of all time 🙌

Luc B

Plz don’t drag out the finale by doing 4 solo uploads.. least do first 2 together and then the last 2 together


abt the netflix avatar live action: supposedly they literally aged down sokka and aged up katara already (katara being the older sister, sokka being the younger brother). it's like we say don't touch that and they do it anyway. 😭 throw the whole thing away


Wow. I was planning to give the thing a chance, and still might, but that... wow. They have to know that's going to piss people off, right?


Doing the first 2 together then the last 2 together would be best :)


The more I hear about the live action thing, the less I like it. And I'm typically one to give creators a chance to really adapt something. But it seems to me that they are purposely looking for departures from the animated show. making Katara the older sibling completely destroys the dynamic, as well as hurting Sokka's character. And I say this as someone whose favorite character in the show is Katara. They shouldn't uplift one character at the expense of another. But that's what they're going to end up doing, whether they intend to or not.


I’ll judge it when I see the show. My assumption when I first hear about it is they’re going to make Zutara happen. I really do hope that Zuko doesn’t change sides just for Katara.


I would love for you to upload all the final episodes in go, as they are also supposed to be watched all together. I know it's a lot to drop 4 episodes in one day, but once you watched them, you'll understand why it's almost impossible to stop in between them :D If you can't/don't want to bring them all out, then maybe at least 2 + 2 on the normal schedule. At least that way, i can skip one upload and watch them all together when you uploaded all of them without too much time between them^^


It irritates me how they spent two chapters getting Hakoda back just to immediately separate him from the group. I think he would have been a cool addition to the group. Also, don't forget after Breaking Bad you get to watch Better Call Saul. :D


I really like the message in this episode. It's not preachy and doesn't try to imply that he didn't deserve to die. Instead, it was about not letting your anger change who you are.

3rd Eye Phreak

breaking bad is one of the best live action shows of all time. Avatar is one of the best shows of all time


The next episode is very funny, and I feel like it was a chance for the writers to make fun of themselves and reflect on the show. It's definitely a breather/pause right before the amazing 4-part finale.


I'm so happy they didn't have Katara forgive the man who murdered her mother. It was a more nuanced approach to anger, revenge, and justice. And that last line where Zuko asks Aang what he'll do when he meets Ozai perfectly illustrates the complexity of the issue.


for Sozin’s Comet, you guys should probably upload 2 at a time? since it’s 4 parts, u can cut it in half. give us ye first half, then the other half the week after.


damn, i never connected the 2. that they might’ve stopped taking prisoners because Hama discovered blood bending.


youtubers ImonSnow has a really good reaction to it. it’s hilarious watching them make fun of it.

Minseok Kim

What happened to 3x12