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Reuploading this because we saw that the video was glitching and thought it didn't upload properly but the glitches are still there mostly in the first half of the video, we'll go back tomorrow and rerender it again but here's the version with the glitches if you want to see it rn (also it hasn't fully processed on google drive, so you can only watch in 360p but i think it will be processed in the next 20min)


atla 3x15.wmv



Yea these episodes leading up to the finale really reap the benefit of all the great build-ups of the previous two seasons. I cannot wait until you guys react to the next one as well...


terrible reminder...only two more episodes until the finale begins :D


I always look forward to your reactions but I cannot even begin to tell you how EXCITED I am to see your reaction to the next episode.


So are may and Ty lee still part of the three bitches?


I love how Zuko's bending style has changed so much since he has been exposed to other forms of bending through his travels. In the fight scenes in this episode his movements were so fluid, almost like a mix of waterbending style and firebending. These subtle things are something I love so much about this show!


I’m not gonna spoil anything, but pay close attention to how Mai and Ty Lee’s betrayal affects Azula for the rest of the season.


now it’s just “the 1 bitch” 😔😔😔


Glad you guys took Azula's hurt seriously, many people glance over that cause she's so cold and calculated. Another interesting point: Mai chose Zuko over Azula, just like their mother preferred Zuko over Azula when they were children. It's a scenario she's familiar with, being less loved than her brother (she gets respect and appreciation from Ozai, but not love). Once again, a person she looks for their affection and company chooses Zuko over her. That's got to be painful.


Well, Ursa didn’t have a choice because Ozai neglected Zuko and Azula had friends. I recommend the Search if you haven’t read it already.

Isis Peoples

Azula would have killed them, ON THE SPOT! But its a kid's show!!! Lol

Bergs Art

Zuko's bending style has improved so much, instead of just recklessly throwing fireballs, he almost looks like he's swimming in fire but not getting burnt.