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this one of course got blocked because we kept in 80% of the episode, also the tears we keep spilling over any little thing in this show is starting to be ridiculous 


atla 3x11.wmv



Thanks for working to get these both up for us today ladies! 😊 And don’t feel bad, I cried straight through this episode both times i watched the series lol


I loved the emotion! Shows how invested ya'll are, just how I am on my like 10th watch xD Still shed a tear for Zuko during his scenes in the later seasons. One of the best developed characters ever <3


Also, the fire nation knew about the eclipse because the earth king spilled the beans to azula while she was disguised as a kyoshi warrior. So she’s known about the eclipse invasion ever since ba sing se. such a good villain!

Camelot B

Yeah, I was ready to mention that hahaha ... Actually I'm not sure if they already knew about the eclipse, BUT the earth king talked about the invasion plan, and that was the real problem. Even knowing about the eclipse they wouldn't be expecting to be atacked, and would not be military prepared... So, even in a wrost scenario, the invasion's little army would be able to run away in the submarines.

Camelot B

Lola is right, Azula is so sociopath that she can lie without a single sign of remorse xD

Philipp Lembens

there are a few comic books , continuing story and character arcs after the tv show. you should definitely read them. the normies even did make reaction vids about so maybe something you can think about too.


If this episode put them through the wringer, then oh lord. Hahahahaha. About the comic books and the post-show material: it varies in quality. Some is good, some is bad. There's probably 2 stories that you'd be interested in reading, and the rest is just fun stuff or lays the groundwork for Korra. It does jump forward in time a bit, though. They're still kids but they're a little older.


this is by far the best ATLA reaction I’ve ever seen. just beautiful. also, remember the reason they knew about the invasion is because Earth King told Azula disguised as a Kyoshi Warrior. that’s the only reason the Fire Nation knew. if it wasn’t for Azula, they would’ve never known and Team Avatar would’ve won and ended the war.


you guys should honestly stop reading youtube comments for the rest of this season. it’s wayy too many people spoiling the show because they think it’s funny.


The good thing is that by posting both of these, they're now 5 episodes ahead of Youtube on Patreon. So by the time these reactions go up on Youtube, they'll likely have already watched the finale. Hopefully. I will say that personally I think some people get too bent out of shape about "spoilers" and consider every little thing a spoiler, including vague hints. But considering how emotional the girls have gotten about THIS episode, in that case I think it's best that they be shielded from everything to come. There's not much left anyway...at least in terms of episodes.


This was the best reaction I could have hoped for with this episode! I remember bawling like a baby the whole time during my first watch too lol. Zuko really didn't hold back in that speech and I'll never forget it 😭best redemption arc ever

Luc B

Am I the only one that can’t watch this video?


I had to login to my google account to watch it, also had to enable blocked cookies so I don't need to download it.


YES there are comics for everything that happens directly after the shows ends that they couldn't get approval for making. And in one of those book they address fully what exactly happened to zuko's mother.

Melissa Walker

As an abuse survivor (also had an abusive father), this episode hit so close to home in the best possible way. Zuko was always my favorite, and I resonated so strongly with him. I can't even explain to you guys what this meant to someone like me, who was still trapped under my father's thumb, still striving for his love and approval much in the way that Zuko was. When I watched this episode for the first time, it helped me make the same choice to break away myself. It is so incredibly debilitating to know that your parent does not love you, and likes to hurt you. You feel like your entire world is ending. It's such a profound pain. For Zuko, a literal 16 year old boy, to emancipate himself and tell his father that what he did to him was wrong, that he was going to be better than him, that he had a real father in Iroh - it brings me to tears to this day. Amazing reaction girls!