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unfortunately it got blocked on yt, so until i fix that you can watch it on drive


atla 2x07 reaction.wmv



Man I always cry in this episode. Also, has anyone else ever noticed how often Zuko uses his breakdancing-firebending move to end a fight? It's like his signature move lol. Like he does it at the end of this episode after waking up from the flashback, in a couple Agni Kai's (including the one w/ Zhao in episode 3), when he attacks those 3 kyoshi warriors in episode 4, and several other times I won't mention because spoilers 👀 Just thought that was a neat detail :)


I loved your reaction to this episode! Zuko is such complex and well developed character, and it just gets better as the show goes on. You’ll get some of your questions from this episode answered later on (next season), but I won’t say any spoilers... đŸ€


I heard the creators incorporated the “breakdancing fire bending” throughout as a nod to zukos voice actor (Dante) being a talented breakdancer


I usually avoided the "Previously on Avatar" because it can usually spoil, guess what may happen in the episode. But it's your preference though, just not mine personally. Other than that, AMAZING show and reaction from you two ! :)

Nic Harcus

The Show keeps getting better and better and the character development is amazing


They really play up the "Man with no name" parallels here, making Zuko like Clint Eastwood's famous character as well as the ronin in "Yojimbo." And yeah, Azula is screwed up. Obviously we can say that Ozai has something to do with it, because I don't believe anyone is born truly evil, but I appreciated this episode for showing us that she has indeed always been like this and she will be a major problem. Whether or not she's always wanted to please her father, she has a screw loose. Not every villain needs a tragic backstory, like you said. She's powerful and she has no qualms. The questions you guys are asking involve spoilers, so they're best left unaddressed. I will say however that the show is just getting started. From now until the very end of season 3 it's going to be quite a ride.


i agree with you, i don't think anyone is born evil, i misspoke there, i do believe in nurture over nature, but that everyone is born with some predispositions because genetics is a thing but if she was raised in a loving household she would be a completely different person, and she was clearly more influenced by her father than her mother (as opposed to zuko) and what i was trying to say is that i dont think she was at some point just a loving child and then later turned out evil, i think she was disciplined to be like this since birth, but i do want to know maybe why she wasn't influenced by her mother as zuko clearly was, because he has compassion that she just doesn't... its very interesting


You have to keep in mind Zuko was closer to his mother, a gentle, kind hearted woman and later trained under Iroh, while Azula was closer to Ozai and also trained under him. This put Zuko and Azula on 2 very different paths. I agree Azula didn’t necessarily have a “tragic backstory” but it is very sad how she was used and manipulated by her father. She was just a child and was trained to be ruthless and heartless like her father.


Iroh is more complicated than initially thought, he was a fire nation general and definitely was involved in a lot of the war. I think losing his son was a turning point in his life.


No, i think this exactly is Iroh. He is (was, back then) a higher fire nation general, that did what he was told/what he believed in and fulfilled his duty at that time. Of course the "burning the city to the ground" part seems horrible, but in that moment, it just was, what the fire nation would do after a siege. I think after his son died, though, he realized that there is more about life than just war and that's where his journey begin, to become the kind-hearted, tea loving father figure to Zuko, he is now... But i really like the aspect of him, that he isn't perfect and has never done bad, because he is this "sweet old man" that he could be seen as now. Maybe that's just the reason his character works so well, same with Zuko. If he hadn't done horrible things, like wanting to kill/capture the avatar and other stuff, his character wouldn't work so well in my opinion. Maybe like Iroh would say: "Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows." Of course, it's not an exact quote, but i could imagine him saying that to Zuko^^


It's never explained in the tv series - it could be because Nickelodeon wanted to keep it a kids' show and not risk anything too mature.... but Zuko's mom struck a deal with Ozai where she would assassinate Firelord Azulon to spare Zuko and to plant Ozai as heir to the throne. I won't say much more else, but I think that that helps better understand the circumstances.


It’s mentioned later in the next season.... please don’t spoil it for them! :)

Isis Peoples

Hi Julie 😊 lol your quickly becoming a pateron buddy. I hope you are well and sending good jeju your way