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Black Sails 2x06

________________________ patreon - https://www.patreon.com/LMreactions twitter - https://twitter.com/LMreaction tv time - lola - skysstillblue, milena - oneofthe100



Hey everyone, I want to thank everyone so much for the support y'all have shown me for my Black Sails reactions up until this point. Patreon won't show me who likes each video, but it's presumably the same people day in day out, so I want to say thank you so much for all the encouragement. I've made the difficult decision to postpone editing reactions/shooting reviews for the final 5 episodes indefinitely. This was absolutely not a hasty decision. At my busiest I was producing 5 episodes a week for YouTube, which on top of full time work and my own person life, was just far too much. With my channel doing significant numbers with films, I've decided to leave everything else television related to make that the sole priority. I would adore being able to show you my reactions to the final five episode at some point, even if just as full reactions, but for now I have to spend the time I have wisely. Again, I am just so incredibly grateful to each and every person who took the time out of their day to watch my reactions the past few months. Your continuous support was what allowed me to make my videos public to begin with, so again, thank you thank you thank you!