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the edited is gonna be up tomorrow


Black Sails 4x05 Full Reaction



Saving my comments for the edited, but once again this episode proves my hatred for Woodes Rogers. His choice in this episode
genuinely fills me with rage. You know what one thing Eleanor has been consistently afraid of since s1? The big tragic event that resulted in the loss of her mother and subsequent abandonment by her father? The mess left in its wake that she cleaned up and worked so hard to improve? That ‘one thing’ was an attack from Spain.


Gung'f jul arkg rcvfbqr qrfgeblrq zr gung zhpu. V qvqa'g jngpu oynpx fnvyf sbe 2 jrrxf nsgre gung, V arrqrq n cnhfr yznb


You said it will come out Monday but it didn’t. Do we have any right at all to you keeping your schedule and informing us when you can’t? Just wondering