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Hey everybody.

Just a quick update here. I've made some changes a la the discussion we had on Discord on Sunday.


Monthly Animation Milestone - $1200 -> $1500

I've bumped it up again due to the fact that my stress levels have been higher than ever lately with all of the new work I have to do each month on top of approaching holiday season, having to do icons, and more. I wanted this milestone to coincide with me quitting my day job at Dairy Queen.

New Animation Milestone - $1200

I've replaced the old $1200 with a new one. At $1200 I'll begin studying fundamentals and posting progress for animations with no regular schedule, but it'll definitely be happening. Stay tuned for a bit more info on that.

Work Schedule

I now only hold myself to obligations on weekdays

For the sake of reducing stress I've started a bit of a routine where I can relax on weekends (save for Patron streams that can only be done on weekends) and work harder during the week. This will help with the burn out I've been having lately. This means Daily Doodles will only apply for weekdays as well now. Since I worked through the weekend I'm taking Monday and Tuesday off of Daily Doodles and will continue the AMA doodles tomorrow (Wednesday).


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