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Whoops I forgot to get around to putting together a post for this. Anyway this is the summary of a discussion we had on September 4th about the state of things.

August Summary

We did good! I managed to get all of my responsibilities done including all of the icons, 2 full commissions, all of the patron streams, the rule 34 polls, as well as progress on this upcoming comic I'm working on with a week left in the month. Pretty good.

  • I received a total of $804 for the month of August. This means that we hit the Daily Doodle milestone! I'll talk more about that in a bit.


Rent was a bit weird this month because I don't get paid from Patreon until the 2nd and I need to pay rent on the 1st, so instead what happened was I skipped a credit card payment and pulled together the cash for the month so that the August pledges can carry over to next month's rent and I can do the payment cycle that way.

  • Credit card balance is currently at $4300. Worse than before, but there have been quirks that made it this way.

Patreon Changes

  • The animation milestone has been moved from $1000 -> $1200. 

I placed the milestones at a level that I figured would happen based on time that I'd be ready to actually commit to doing the extra work and didn't expect an increase in funds this fast, so I've pushed this milestone back a little. Shouldn't need to change it again.

  • I've added 2 new Gold slots and 1 new Platinum slot. The former of which have already been claimed!

With all this extra work, September will be a bit of an adjustment month since I have currently 2 (and possibly 3) new streams to do, as well as the Daily Doodles. 

  • Patreon has been kind enough to get me on the beta for tagging posts, so my posts will now be sorted for the sake of ease to search for the stuff you like (and ignore all the info posts so you can just see the art =P).

September Plans

  • September is an icon eligible month! Anyone who is pledging this month (as in pledges on September 1st, or does a payment up front before October 1st) will be getting the holiday themed icon.
  • This month will have a focus on comic work. Speaks for itself.

I'll be posting the comic to Patreon 3 pages ahead of any other site, so keep an eye out for that once it's starting to be produced!

I've got 2 commissions taken right now and I'll be finishing those up and hopefully working on some new ones after that before the month ends becaaauauusee...

I've got plans! My birthday is on October 2nd and we're having a bunch of friends come down (on their own expenses, mind you) and we'll need to pay for food, utilities, and extra bed, etc. So for a few weeks into October, things will be a little crazy.

And that about wraps it up! Thanks again for everything so far <3


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