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Hey there! I'll be posting the stuff for this month shortly, but I've been thinking of new ways to deliver content to you guys and before I work on that stuff I wanted to ask... 

How many of you are connected to the Discord rewards? And if no, how would you feel about most of my content being posted in there instead of on here (since it would be easier to keep up with and keep a full log of all my images)? Please leave a comment if you are not interested in joining the server to let me know if it's not a good idea!



I am not in the Discord group, and have no plans to join. I find everyone has a Discord Group now and it's a touch much to keep up with, along with dozens of people I don't know. I feel there's too much going to keep up with!


I am in your discord, but chat is locked out for me. Is that a high level?


That's understandable! I have too many servers I don't keep up with, myself xD. I was mostly thinking of doing stuff like using channels a posting board that only patrons have access to.


The server is public to anyone! There's a little self-serve process to get in though. Gotta check the rules channel to be sure =P


I'm in the boat of having too many servers to manage already, I don't mind if you post stuff there, but would request you also post it here. (I'm aware patreon isn't great at managing posts from an organizational prospective)