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Good Morning to you all! For those of you who know, I've currently been in the process of sorting out various pre-existing commissions, refunds, etc! I just wanted to let you all know that is currently still being actively worked on! If I have not contacted you in regards to your Commission(s) & or Refund(s), do feel free to contact me!

Now, as for the Patreon Page & Future Content. Given my current financial status & the fact I'm currently in the process of perusing a College Education, I WILL still be providing content via this page. (It's my only source of income at the moment.) I'm going to try & start putting myself, as well as posts here on a set schedule, that way things are alot more organized, active, and easy to keep track of. There are still a ton of details I still need to work out, but I'll keep you all posted.



Good luck at college


Hey, you do whatever you need to do. No need to rush. Take whatever time you need.