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Good morning to you all! I know I've been a bit silent as of late, just trying to get alot of things done to the absolute BEST of my ability. I've decided to put Edward, henry, & Gordon up for testing, just to give you all something to play with while I get bigger projects & commissions out of the way!

Now, DO mind that these are in BETA, meaning they are FAR from finished. These are just meant for testing. Once I've gotten them fully completed (Full Face Packs, Liveries, Loads, & Improved Texturing/Features) they'll be re-released! I know they're a little ugly, but I'm still learning so bare with me haha!

You can grab Edward here: 👉https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1u6u03VY_P7bq0r_lyXnOhr2vn5W8uAL0?usp=sharing👈

You can grab Henry here: 👉https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1J3r7s2Ka6X_FGFnknzP0AYM_4cBO3ndD?usp=sharing👈

You can grab Gordon here: 👉https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JrRerVV1diiThdOJ9fdXV7gzAcAvD8m5?usp=sharing👈




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