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Hello again everyone! We have been very busy recently and we have something new to show for it! Meet Henry!

As we said in the last RWS update post it was looking like Gordon was going to be the next model to be exported but plans have changed somewhat. Choco wanted to learn how to get both loads and liveries exported so decided Henry would be easier to do it with.

Now before we go on we would like to apologize for the lack of updates on commissions. As we said before Choco is planning to go to the UK for Awdry Ex 3 and stuff like making sure his passport is valid, booking flights and making sure he has the right paperwork has taken some time. On top of that he has been focusing on his exports so he should no longer need to go to someone else to get it done.

We have said a few times that finding a PBR exporter is both tricky and expensive currently but we do want to put out more PBR content so putting some time into learning it right now means less waiting for exporters to open up commissions later! That said we understand its frustrating to have to wait on models that you have paid for. If you want any details on the progress of your commission do make sure to check the Trello or DM Choco on discord.

Now with that out of the way lets go onto talk about Henry! First and foremost Henry is not done, we plan to have a few loads and liveries on this model before it becomes public. These are subject to change however so we don't want to give too many details on them. Just know it will be more then James!

Like with Gordon last time the faces are based off of the Edgar Hodges annual illustrations! Again Seaswine9 was kind enough to make a sketch that Choco used to created the faces from.

(For clarification not all the faces are shown here!)

We know people will ask about TVS faces. For now we are focusing on these faces but things could change down the line. We would love to hear your feedback on these right now though!

In terms of features we can share with you, he will have both a Fowler tender and a Stanier tender!

As always we hope you enjoy reading this post and would like to hear your thoughts on the model! Onwards to more liveries and loads!



Rose Supreme (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-20 07:42:34 Very nice! Those tenders are gleaming with PBR goodness and those faces look neat! And thanks for stating why commissions are taking so long to do. I figured it was the case, but hearing it officially has helped put me at ease. I got several OCs and SKR counterparts to Trecwn & St. Cadfan all paid for.
2023-05-19 12:28:42 Very nice! Those tenders are gleaming with PBR goodness and those faces look neat! And thanks for stating why commissions are taking so long to do. I figured it was the case, but hearing it officially has helped put me at ease. I got several OCs and SKR counterparts to Trecwn & St. Cadfan all paid for.

Very nice! Those tenders are gleaming with PBR goodness and those faces look neat! And thanks for stating why commissions are taking so long to do. I figured it was the case, but hearing it officially has helped put me at ease. I got several OCs and SKR counterparts to Trecwn & St. Cadfan all paid for.


The Henry model is looking fabulous. And thank you for stating why commissions were taking so long. And i very understandable.