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Hello all, I'm just popping in with a updates pertaining to the future of this Patreon Page & plans I've decided to set in stone for the new year.

For starters, I want to be upfront & mention that I am a very forgetful person, which in turn means I tend to post in certain places. This is going to be changing, I plan on posting updates of Patreon-Exclusive models more often, as well as sticking to a more consistent release schedule.

Now, as I just mentioned, I plan on working on a more consistent release schedule which I'm hoping you all will find satisfactory. My plan is to have 3 releases put out each month, those being 2 TVS Releases & 1 RWS Release, those being put out thought the duration of the month. TVS releases will be given out towards the Start & Middle of the month, while the RWS releases will be put out towards the end of the month. I plan to release an Upload schedule each month showcasing what's to be expected for that given month, as well as model progress updates for said releases throughout that period.

In other news I've also been taking some time out to sit down and properly organize/plan out a proper system to complete commissions in a timely manner. I've gone & split my work into batches w/ 4 commissions each. The idea is to finish each batch & give myself a bit of downtime in between.

And, with that I believe I've touched on everything there is to at the moment. December is going to be a bit of a rejuvenation period for me, that way I can bring you all as much as possible for the new year.



Great idea to me


Sounds good