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how you guys been feeling about the art?

something in mind you were expecting to see more of?

this friday is my last day of school, so I have a shiton of days to work on art



Just keep doing you, no such thing as too much pits and scent stuff Maybe more diks??? that might just be me tho lmao


I'm all in favour of pits; can't wait to see the darkest dungeon one finally finished. But you should draw whatever floats your boat. Nothing tires you out faster than feeling like you are forced to do it.

Tellek Norris

You got pretty superb taste, my guy. Go with your own flow, and we'll all enjoy the show, y'know?


Lol the votes are in, seems you're naturally doing great. You're filling a very niche taste for lots of people, and I'm sure your community will keep growing because of it. :3


I would say more polls for your patrons to vote on would be nice. As long as the buttsniffing keeps up, I am one happy guy though!