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Hey people, I would like to wish you all a happy new year! And what better way to start off this year with some lewds, so I drew my original character Aurora!

First off, I would like to thank each and everyone of you who supported me, directly or indirectly, whether it be sharing my content around the web, supporting my patreon, followed me on my social links, or simply kept me on track during my rough days. 2016 has been a major year for me as far as my journey as an artist goes. I have met new people from all around the world, I have travelled abroad for the first time, I went to Japan and experienced what being part of Comiket feels like, and created many business opportunities along the way. In fact so much as happened in such little amount of time that it still feels surreal, that the moment I decided to pick up my pen and start drawing for several hours everyday would lead me to where I stand as of now.

Of course my journey didn't come without challenges and obstacles and I'm sure there are a plethora of those coming up as well, but hey life without challenges is simply not a fulfilling life.

Speaking of which, Patreon has been a unique experience for me, ever since I quit my part time job. As of now it is my only source of income and although it is likely not sufficient as a mean for living, it is still money that I was able to gather from my hard work. And some thoughts that went through my mind sometimes, is whether I am doing it right or getting off track. I've been observing other Patreon users and how they deal with their business. I don't want people to pay to be able to view my art, I think they should be accessible for anybody to see. I will also revamp the current tiers to make things more tangible.

And finally, regarding the rewards for November and December, they will have to be delayed once again. And I sincerely apologize for that. I know its been long overdue, and I shouldn't be making any excuses, but I hope I can make up for it in the future. In the meantime, I will be making this piece of Aurora available for all patrons to download, it includes a full resolution png and source file in psd.

Once again, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for supporting me througout my journey as an artist. And I hope to make the best out of 2017 and on!




OMG!!!! It is so beautiful!!!!

Silvia Drachma

I still can't get over the iris colour, she looks really pretty, soo glad to see her again. ;)

B.Felinor (edited)

Comment edits

2022-05-12 22:13:10 悪いやつとはいえレディーに傷なんてつけられないですからねぇ…( ˘ω˘ )
2017-01-03 20:10:45 Awesome! And like every Month. It´s an Honor, to help you out. even it´s only a bit. Have a nyan nyan day!

Awesome! And like every Month. It´s an Honor, to help you out. even it´s only a bit. Have a nyan nyan day!


Wow, she looks awesome Kana! Thank you for sharing her! I wish I could give you more, but I think I can throw in a little extra for you next month as a thank you. I wish I could give it to you now, but Patreon doesn't work like that... Just out of curiosity, have you ever considered making a daki of her?


Thanks, it really means a lot! And yes, she is in my plans for a future dakimakura. : )