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Hey people, no I'm not dead.

In case you have not read my journal entry on deviantArt this past month, I stated that I would be travelling abroad for the entire month of July, and that I wouldn't be able to provide content within that time frame. I should have written a notice on Patreon as well, and I would like to apologize for that matter.

So what's been up since my last post? Many things.

First of all, I would like to announce you all that I will be attending two conventions this month (yes, two). The first one will be held in Montreal, Canada from the 5th to 7th of August. I will only be going as a regular attendee, like I did for the past 3 years. The second convention which all of you should be able to recognize is Comiket 90 in Tokyo, Japan and will be held from  the 12th to the 14th of August. I was invited to attend the venue with the circle I am currently part of, and boy I would lie if I told you I am not excited, nor nervous. This will truly be one of a kind experience that was offered to me, and I am gratefully thankful for my friend for this wonderful opportunity. I will be posting on my twitter regularly for updates.

Now, onto Patreon rewards. As you can see from the above picture, I finally started working on rewards for pledges of one dollar and more (all funds have been processed for June and July).  For June's month will be Hellhound-chan in swimsuit, being asked to remove her swimsuit as she gets embarrassed. For July, it will be related to Kantai Collection. So stay tuned for that!

Again, I would like to thank everyone who supported me throughout my journey. I've been growing slowly, but that's how beginnings are. It consists of ups and downs, and I would lie if I said I hadn't encountered any downs, Patreon included. Though I've learned a lot along the way, but hey, that's part of the game and you gotta keep moving forward.

Lastly, consider becoming a patron if you enjoy my content. There is plently more to come!


Plans for future updates for Patreon : rewards, tier revamps, revised self-introduction and more.


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