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This picture is a work in progress and will be part of this month's reward.


Hello my fellow patrons!

First of all, I wanted to take this moment to wish you all a very belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 2019 is the year of the Pig, which is actually my Chinese zodiac sign and I am very thrilled to see what this year has to offer! I have so many plans for 2019 and will announcements when the right time comes!

Also, I would like to apologize for the lack of content lately. It's been a few weeks of constant festivities and business with relatives that I haven't had time for myself. It was Christmas/New Years eve after all.

If you follow me on Twitter, you probably know about my computer's power supply frying up. resulting in having to purchase a new one and leaving me days without being able to continue my work (I still had my iPad to doodle on though).

That being said, it left me with little time to produce content for December. Instead I've decided to compile every single monthly reward and created an archive where you can download them all. I thought about creating a Gumroad where you can purchase older rewards and update content on a monthly basis, but given the little amount of content I provide each month, giving them away felt like a more reasonable option.

Finally, I want to properly thank you all for your support over the years up to now. Whether you are a returning patron, a long time supporter or a newcomer, I can't express enough my gratitude towards each and every dollar you guys are willing to give, and even if you aren't supporting monetarily, I thank you for sharing my work with your pals, friends, family, whoever it may be. I may sound like a broken record at this point, but without you guys I probably wouldn't have come this far. If my works can leave a smile of your face or make your day a little better, it's all I need.

Let's make 2019 a great one!

- kana

