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Amos + Anna!!!!

Naomi + Holden!!!!!!

I paused and read that blurb about Melba's endocrine...augmentation? I didn't completely understand, so if someone has the time/motivation to summarize, I would love that. 🤣


The Expanse 3x12


Deana DeWall

The scene with Drummer and the Dr. is the only time you'll ever see Drummer without make-up. Cara is the one who created this sexual tension between Drummer and Naomi, which is one of the many reasons why they expanded her role.

Jonny shaw

Hoo boy, this episode is such a fantastic set-up for the finale which, in my opinion, is the best episode in the whole show (closely followed by the S6 finale and a few select gems from S5). The reason this episode is so good is because not only is it adrenaline pumping for almost the entire thing, the ending is just... wow. That's all I can say without ruining it! Also, even though this is a 9 book series, they are more written as a trilogy of trilogies, in a sense. This means that the final episode of this season concludes the ending of the first trilogy, wrapping up the story that's been set in motion since the first episode of S1. You'll finally understand why this story is called "The Expanse". As for Drummer's feelings towards Naomi, this was written by the writers to be a sort of unrequited love situation. Naomi is not interested romantically, whereas Drummer is. However, not everyone agrees that it comes off this way and could just be deep platonic love and respect between them (Funnylilgal Reacts was adamant about this) but the writers tried to make it seem obvious without making it obvious. I'm in the first camp, myself. Still, doesn't detract from the story if you view it either way in my opinion! Counting down the days until the next vid :D