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Riddler's Reform (BTAS)


Martin Li

Riddle Me This: Can a Riddler Reform? A great Riddler episode for him to go out on, and probably the most successful 'villain redemption' episode as he'd managed be socially accepted and to land a lucrative position as the mascot of a toy company. But of course Nygma can't be satisfied with that. He always needs to feel like he's the smartest person and thus needs to defeat his old enemy to have a sense of closure. Some have suggested it would have been better if Bruce had never revealed how he survived the bomb and let the audience figure the 'riddle' out from the safe in the background, but you have a point about him being bitter and perhaps a bit cruel.

Purple Yoshi

Writer for this show Dan Riba in an interview with the YouTube channel Watchtower Database talked about a scrapped Riddler episode that would’ve explained how he escaped his coma that he was left in at the end of “What is reality?” The idea was that Riddler-esque crimes were going to be going on, while Riddler was in a coma, and Batman would need Riddler’s help to catch the copycat. The reveal was going to be that Riddler had been hypnotizing the hospital staff into committing these Riddler crimes, and the climax of the episode would be Riddler hypnotizing Batman into committing a Riddler crime, and Batman was going to have to stop himself somehow. But as with most Riddler scripts for this show they couldn’t get all the pieces to fit together in a satisfying way so it never saw the light of day