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I'd like to preface this with saying: I'm okay!! I took a LONG nap with Bumi after we recreated the "Tell your sister you were right" scene a few times. Yuna said she wouldn't participate because she absolutely was NOT Leia and would only accept the role of Yoda, as she is YunaYoda. She is technically my emotional support animal on paper, but also prefers to fall asleep when I'm crying 🤣

I also realized that a huge reason I love Darth Vader as a character so much, is because traditional villains typically have easy motivations: wealth, power, control, etc. But the whole "tell your sister you were right" scene is so moving because it's not "tell *THE WORLD* you were right." it leads me to believe Anakin was a family man. When it came down to it, he only cared about what his children thought of him (and maybe his lover?), even if the entire galaxy considered him a horrible villain and celebrated his death. I know, I know I have the prequels to watch, and I am so excited for them. I will never get over that scene, truthfully, the more I think about it the more heartbroken and amazed I feel.

I also realized when I stopped recording that "Return of the Jedi" is a reference to Anakin, isn't it? Are you kidding me? Excuse me while I go cry forever.


Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi


Tayyib Majumder

In the end all of the emperor and yoda and obi wan were all wrong. Luke's compassion and to not give in to hate he proved all of them wrong and in doing so he became the best Jedi ever. Yoda says, "A Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defence". And after Luke cuts Vader's hand away he realises they could be one and the same if he strikes him down in hate and anger he will become what the emperor wants. But this time he throws his lightsaber away the most precious item of a Jedi and refuses to fight and end the cycle of violence. It's beautiful what George has to say about heroism, a lot of times the hero must kill the villain and save the day but Luke doesn't participate and through his compassion and love it saves him and his father.


can i just say i love when meg gets a new hyperfixation, first batman/dc, then assasins creed, now star wars, and every time im happy to see her experience it all. now if we could just get her hyperfixated on the yakuza series like i got a few years ago lol