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Matthew Periolat

Just finished watching along and… yeah. There’s some stuff from the movie referenced at least in Origins and, as guessed, Alan Rikken has at least been referenced in modern lore back to Black Flag, I think. Aside from that, I agree with you 110%. The movie LOOKS great… except for the Animus arm. I was laughing with you and just like “Please stop showing it, it looks stupid and WE GET IT! Focus on the pretty pictures, that’s what you’re good at here!” I do think they intended for more, but the movie disappointed so this was the end of AC as a movie franchise. But hey, onwards to Origins and Chronicles and beyond!


Woo! I feel like there were all the pieces of a really good movie here... they just never quite solved the puzzle. I loved the Inquisition timeline and everything in that era just like you! Wish there was more to that - The modern day stuff was done well - I just think it needed better editing, and the script needed more time in the oven. And honestly - As simple as the story was, it feels like they tried to tell too much story in one movie. I think it could make a really good book. PS - I think the general consensus is the arm was goofy. I think the idea behind it was it was to help the body and the mind with "synchronization" to speed things up. But really they just wanted it to look cooler than laying in a fancy hospital bed. The editing back and forth really ruined it though, lol.