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I am sosososo sorry I somehow skipped this episode and went straight to 27!

Luckily, a lot of it was a recap, so it wasn't too confusing.

We've had a difficult week, so pls forgive me for being scatterbrained.

We're looking forward to watching Halloween (1978) tonight!


Death Note Ep 26


Martin Li

Oops. Oh well, understandable that L's fate left you this confused. Likewise I normally hate clipshows but this felt fitting for the time skip and change in setting that followed.

ll lady

Pleaseeeee watch Loki's tv series soon, I know you two would love it. It's less of just a spin off, it's integral to the mcu plot and sets up many things for future movies. Ugh I just am desperate to watch you guys react to it, please do soon!!!